Guide to Microsoft Excel for Business and Management
Second Edition (April 2002)
Bernard V. Liengme
Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, London, England - ISBN 0 7506 5614 X; 240pp

Companion web site

Examination copies from Butterworth-Heinemann

Send comments or questions to Bernard V Liengme

Click here to see a list of know typos in the second edition: Errata2
Click here to see a list of know typos in the first edition: Errata1

Also available in:
Polish: Microsoft Excel w biznesie i zarzqdzaniu ISBN 83-7243-241-4 from
Wydawnictwo RM

Spanish: Microsoft Excel Gestión y empresa ISBN 84-415-1553-0 from Anaya Multimedia
Portuguese: Microsoft Excel 2002 Para negócios e gestão ISBN 85-352-1068-7 from Editora Campus


           A practical guide to using one of the most common
           business software tools in the world - Microsoft Excel.
           This book explains the most useful Excel functions that
           managers and business people need in their everyday
           working environment. Real case studies showing
           business examples such as income statements, loan
           amortization and interest payments included.
           The author uses highly illustrated explanations to teach
           Excel basics, all of which are based on business
           situations. Written primarily for business undergraduate
           and MBA students, there is much that will also be of
           interest to business people and managers.

      Key Features:

           * Contains a wide variety of real-life business examples
           and case studies
           * Explains the most useful Excel functions available to
           the manager or business student today
           * Written clearly and concisely, by an author with a
           proven track-record in this area
           * Includes a broad range of illustrations, including
           * Can be used with any version of Excel, from Excel 5 to
           Excel 2000


           The Microsoft Excel window
           Formulas and formats
           Cell references and names
           Using functions
           The decision functions
           Printing a worksheet
           Goal seek and solver
           Working with lists
           Dates and times
           Report writing


           Undergraduate business students, MBA students,
           business people and managers.

9 November 2005