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St. James United Church Cemetery

Stone #6

Description: [Headstones Photograph]


Mary Ella (Bradshaw) Flinn


Dimensions: 50” x 30” x 9”, pointed arch.


Orientation: East


Carver: Not identified




A memorial of/

Mary Ella Bradshaw/

wife of/

P. Flynn/

who departed this life/

March 17, 1869/

aged 62 years/

[Dear as thou were and justly be/

We will not weep for thee./

One tho’t shall chick the starling/

It is that […] than art thee./

How lovely is they dwelling/

place O’Lord of hosts to me./ ]


Material: Grey sandstone


Condition: Mary Ella’s headstone is in much the same shape as her husband’s. The majority of the inscription on the sandstone marker is barely legible and shows extensive weathering and erosion.


Mary Ella Bradshaw, also known as Mary Elizabeth and Mary Eliza, was born in 1807 to James Bradshaw and Mary Smith. Her father was a farmer, as was Mr. Flinn, her husband. This is illustrative of a social dynamic at the time, where upward social mobility would have been limited.


Janley Grant (edited by Christopher Greencorn)






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