Lecture Plan
This is Ed467 Section 10 now 11

Go over Course Outline

What is to be covered during the lecture.
             1.Welcome, textbooks, regulations, motivation.
            * 2.Logon to St.FX
             3.Start Netscape
             4.Bring up the Ed467 homepage - at netsite add    /people/rjmackin/ed467/ed467.htm  to ST.FXU URL
             5.bookmark the Ed467 web page http://www.stfx.ca/people/rjmackin/ed467/ed467.htm
             6.Start the Messenger Mailbox of Netscape
             7.Set your email password
             8.Open your mailbox
             9.Send email to me and to yourself
            10.add me to your address book
            11.Change your nt password.

Before we start doing hands on stuff we will need an assessment of the level of the class:
        1.How many are familiar with Window 95? Your the ones that will have a problem in this course.
        2.How many have not used a computer before?
        3.Used Dos but not windows.
        4.used windows 3.1?
        5.used windows 95?
        6.used windows NT?
        7.used the Internet?
        8.own their own computer with windows 95 on it?
        9. Used Microsoft Word? Excel? PowerPoint? Downloaded software from the WEB?

 In Class exercise - Show switching from Ed467 Home to lectures - to Email
It would be useful if the people who are familiar with computers would sit with people  who have not used a computer before. The people who have used a computer before can can help out their neighbor. But you are not allowed to touch the other person's mouse or keyboard. Please talk in whisper tones while explaining something to someone or asking a question so as not to disturb the class as a whole.

          Please note that there will be discrepencies between this guide and what really happens. There are a number of programs that
          do an initialization the first time you use it and I will have to guide you through it at the time. You should only have to do it once.
          Once you have it done once it should look more like this.
             1.All of the computers in the lab are connected to a network called webfx. Web FX provides a number of servers that
               each serve 1 or more specific functions. Servers are basically the same as the computers you are using except they have
               more disk space and memory and may run different software. We will go into more detail later about Webfx but for now
               that's enough for you to know.
             2.All of you should have been given a username for webfx. I am told by other instructors that about 15% of them won't
               work. We will deal with that later. If you fail after trying 3 times, go to the TSG helpdesk and get them to fix your account right after class.
             3.Your webfx id will work anywhere on campus. You do not have to be in this room or on any particular computer for the
               username to work.
             4.You have a certain amount of disk space that is provided to you by the servers it is called drive H:
             5.Anything you save on H: will travel with you if you store it anywhere else it better be on a floppy or it will disappear.

          Let's begin the login on process above *