INFO 316 - Term Project

 Objectives: Assignment: Each team will research the assigned DBMS/PIM software and develop an application using the software to demonstrate its features and functionality. You will prepare a report and make a presentation including a demonstration of the software. You will also create an HTML document briefly describing the software. Each member of the team will also hand in a peer evaluation of other members of the team. Deliverables:
  1. Hard and soft copy of Paper                  - Due on the day of the presentation
  2. Soft copy of HTML document                - Due on the day of the presentation
  3. Soft copy of PowerPoint presentation    - Due on the day of the presentation
  4. Peer evaluation                                    - Due on the day of the presentation

1. Consult all available sources of information (trade journals and magazines, web sites, vendors, users, etc.)

2. Cover the following aspects:

3. Format of the report: * Introduction should briefly outline what is covered in the paper.
** The body of the report should be well organized with headings,
sub-headings, etc. and with continuity in the flow of the
detailed discussion.
*** Conclusion should include a summary of what you discovered,
your views on the product, any suggestions or comments regarding
shortcomings and possible improvements
4. Format of Presentation Length: Approximately 20 minutes
Format: DBMS/PIM software demo and PowerPoint presentation

The DBMS/PIM software will be available on the audio visual computer for the presentation (please consult me on the specific AV computer). PowerPoint will also be available. You should check out the AV computer at least one day before the day of the presentation and ensure proper operation of your demo Please have back ups of all your data files.

5. Web document A brief description or synopsis (1 to 2 pages long) written in HTML format. 6. Team Peer Evaluation: In order to ensure equitable sharing of the work load, each person will evaluate the other members of the team. An evaluation form will be provided. The evaluations will be treated confidentially. If evaluations are not turned in, you will lose 10% from your project grade. 7. Important considerations for a good grade: 8. Key points to remember: Stick to the deadlines
Make sure you know the date of your presentation
Participate in all presentations (attend and ask questions)

31621 HP 316:21 316 project 316 Project DBMS SW DBMS Links Proj Outln Project Outline