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Videos and Images


Videos are in the following formats: DivX, QuickTime

Swim Video
Tritonia swim video
DivX | QuickTime
Bitestrike Video
Tritonia bitestrike video
| QuickTime
More Tritonia Field Videos
(supplementary material from
Wyeth & Willows 2006A)
Tritonia Lab Videos
(supplementary material from
Wyeth & Willows 2006B)
Swim Video
Tritonia 'puff' video
DivX | QuickTime


Use the demo procedure in ImageJ to produce a videogram from one of the versions of the sample video to the right. This chapter explains videograms and how to use them in more detail.


Comparison between control slug and anaesthetized slug
Comparison between control slug and slug anaesthetized with 1-Phenoxy-2-propanol