Office of Institutional Analysis


The Office of Institutional Analysis was established in May of 1996. The director of the office reports to the academic vice-president. An advisory board, chaired by the AVP, oversees the work of the office. The first director, Dr. Winston Jackson, was appointed in May of '96 for a three year term. The appointment was done on a one course teaching relief basis. A budget is provided by the AVP to pay for expenses and to hire occasional part-time assistance.

In the first two years of the life of the Office of Institutional Analysis the work has involved the following activities:

1. Coordinating the submission to Maclean's for the annual rankings of universities. The director is assisted in this work by a
     task force. In 1997-98 the participants were Dr. Gary Brooks, Ms. Anne Camozzi, Dr. Aaron Childs, Dr. Ron Johnson,
     and Ms. Janet Stark.

2. University contact person for MPHEC on issues related to surveys of graduates and to quality assurance programs.

3. Preparation of funding formula enrollment figures; modeling of many scenarios. Primarily worked with Mr. Tom Langley,
    Vice-President Administration, on these projects.
Numerous memos and presentations were prepared in the course of
    these activities leading up to the implementation of the funding formula.

4. Coordination of surveys of graduates done for departmental reviews. Short reports prepared on the results of these
    surveys.  To date the following departments have been reviewed: English, Economics, Physical Education, Human Nutrition.

5. Preparation of the following reports:

  • High School and First Year University Grades: Notes on St. F.X. Student Performance, 1983-1996. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, August, 1996.
  • Tracking the Development of Generic Skills: the Experience of 1987 and 1992 Graduates. St. Francis Xavier University, March, 1997
  • Incomes and Employment: Some Trends Among Recent St. F.X. Graduates. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, March, 1997
  • Food Services Information: Preliminary Ratings and Comments, X-Ring Survey, March, 1997. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, April, 1997
  • Reasons for Attending St. F.X.: Responses of Some Recent Graduates. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, April, 1997
  • Student Loan Indebtedness: Notes on 1987, 1992, & 1997 St. F.X. Graduates. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, November, 1997
  • Origins and Destinations: Some Trends Among Recent St. F.X. Graduates. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, December, 1997
  • A Preliminary Cost Analysis of Academic Programs at St. F.X.: Baseline 1997-98. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, March, 1998
  • Student Ratings and Perceptions of Student Services: X-Ring Survey, March, 1997. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, May, 1998
  • Student Satisfaction and Perceptions of Academic Programs at St. F.X.: X-Ring Survey, March, 1997. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, May, 1998
  • First Year Student Perceptions of Their Transition to St. F.X. University: 19 University Consortium Survey, Winter, 1998. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, May, 1998.
  • Changes in Generic Skills: X-Ring Survey, 1997.  St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, June, 1998.
  • High School and First Year University Grades: Notes on St. F.X. Student Performance, 1983-1998. St. Francis Xavier University, Office of Institutional Analysis, October, 1998. 

Research Papers  (Click here for problems logging in.)

Institutional Analysis (2003)

Institutional Analysis (2004)

Institutional Analysis (2005)