Volume 1 (2002)


Theme: Dialogue and Traditions


Transculturalità del Credo e verità della fede 

Vittorio Possenti (pp. 1-10)


Radhakrishnan, A.G. Hogg, and Hindu-Christian Apologetics

Joshua Kalapati (pp. 11-26)


Inculturation or Interculturation? : Towards a New Indian Christian Identity in a Pluralistic Society

L. Anthony Savari Raj (pp. 27-40)


Towards a Dialogical Philosophy and Culture

Varghese Manimala (pp. 41-66)


The Human Person in the Western And African Traditions

Pantaleon Iroegbu (pp. 67-86)


Hinduism, Catholicism, and the Trinity

Edward Alam (pp. 87-102)


Philosophy, Culture, and the Future of Tradition

William Sweet (pp. 103-119)


The Native American Image Ethic: The New World in Dialogue with the Old

Alastair Beattie (pp. 121-133)


La Doctrina de la Providenca en Plotino: Su Vigencia en la Ecofilosofia

Patricia Andrea Ciner (pp. 135-145)


Gianni Vattimo and John Reader - The Meaning of the ‘Return To Religion’ in a Postmodern Setting

J. Ranilo B. Hermida (pp.  147-161)