In the academic year 2004-5....
where will Will be?


For travel prior to October 2004, click here.


29-30 October  - Ottawa, Canada
The Canadian Jacques Maritain Association / l'association canadienne Jacques-Maritain
Theme: Maritain, Politics, and the Ethical 


11-12 November, 2004  - Ottawa, Canada
Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie
Colloque / Colloquium: Pertinence actuelle de la théorie de la Guerre Juste / Today’s pertinence of the Just War Theory


6-17 December, 2004 Taipei, Taiwan
Stanislaus Lokuang Chair of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University

18-23 - Vancouver / Vancouver Island, British Columbia

24-28 - Montreal



2-5 February - Lennoxville/Montreal, QC


18-25 April - Seoul, Korea
FISP Program Committee meeting / Conference on "Dialogues among Cultures"

28 to 2 May - Rome
International Maritain Institute meeting / Rome


17-22 May, 2005 - Helsinki, Finland
FISP meeting / Conference on "Metaphilosophical Reflections: On Current Challenges to Philosophy"

29–30 May, 2005 - University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Technology and the Changing Face of Humanity / La technologie et le paradigme émergent de l'humain
sponsored by the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association - l'association canadienne Jacques-Maritain




6-9 July 2005 -- Conistonwater (Monk Coniston) [Lake District] England.
R.G. Collingwood Society,
Contact: Professor David Boucher,
Collingwood and British Idealism Centre (The Collingwood Society),
Cardiff School of European Studies, Cardiff University,
PO Box 908, CARDIFF, CF10 3YQ, UK

11-15 July 2005 - Konjic, Bosnia-Hercegovina
Eighth International Seminar "Democracy and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies"
Contact: Dzemal Sokolovic, Director of the Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia

18-22 July 2005 - Harris Manchester College, Oxford
Contact: Dr W.J.Mander, Harris Manchester College, Oxford OX1 3TD, United Kingdom

26-31   July     Warsaw, Poland     
Conference on "Transmutations of Western Civilization through the Discovery of Common Values in a Multi-Cultural World and Basing on Real Dialogue and Love"



Oct. 24 and 29, 2005 - Nigeria
International Conference
theme : Church and State as Partners in Development, the African Experience.
Lecture on "international concerns about development."

October 28-29, 2005   Memorial University of Newfoundland


4 and 5 November 2005     Ottawa
Association canadienne Jacques Maritain / Canadian Jacques Maritain Association
Theme: 'Maritain and Historical Traditions in Philosophy'


17-20 December 2005 - India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Second International Conference on the Religions and Cultures in the Indic Civilization
Centre For The Study Of Developing Society
29, Rajpur Road
Delhi- 110 054

1. Religious Texts: Contexts, Interpretations and Ramifications: Ideas of the common or public good; norms about accumulating and sharing income and wealth l Gender perceptions and familial relations l Theories of kingship, justice and political authority l Relations between the divine and mortals, rulers and ruled, nature and human beings

2. Beliefs, Practices and Institutions: Syncretism, anti-syncretism l Role of dharmasthans, pilgrimage centres as well as the control and management of religious institutions l The rise, decline and renewals of shramanic religious traditions l Religious conversions, rituals, identities and practices l Believers and non-believers and godless religions l  Popular and folk religions, local cults and practices and their links with the canonical l Case studies of the making and unmaking of religious and spiritual authority and the role of dissent

3. Religious Movements and Social Change: Caste, sects and religious movements l Religious reforms and the rise of nationalism l Role of religious philanthropy and their diverse forms in different religious traditions l Role of intermediaries between the divine and the individual l Re-invocation of faith through a personal god and the bhakti and sufi traditions

4. Communalism and Pluralism: Hate literature and hate websites l Anatomy of communal violence, retaliation and the ghettoisation of communities l Personal laws and uniform civil code l l Shared space among religious communities and inter-faith initiatives

5. Religion and Science: Cosmological links of Indic religions with the Indic scientific traditions l Moral and ethical issues of modern science and the response of religious authorities l Convergence and conflict between science and religion in the future        

6. Indic Religions and Globalisation: New religious movements and institutions and the renewed role of ‘godmen’ and spiritual leaders in expanding the space of Indic religions in the universe of world religions l The diaspora, transnationalism and the reinterpretation of Indic religious and cultural traditions

7. Religion, Performing Arts and Mass Media: Cultural contexts of religious discourse on folk, classical and non-classical art forms (music, dance, drama, fairs, festivals, paintings and handicrafts) l Mass manufacture of religious identity and the impact of religious TV channels, audio/video CDs, religious gatherings and popular religious literature and magazines l Indian films as interpreters of popular faiths and cultures

8. Special methodological concerns in the study of religions within Indic civilisation.



Philosophical Society of Southern Africalate February

Society for the Philosophy of Religion, 77th Annual Meeting

April 5 - 10, 2006 -Technical University, Gh. Asachi and the A.I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania,
European Conference on Science and Theology
Theme: Sustaining Diversity Science, Theology and the Futures of Creation

May 27th to June 4th -- York University -- Toronto, Ontario
Congress 2006

May 29-June 2, 2006
Moscow International Conference of Comparative Philosophy
The theme of the Conference: “Knowledge and Belief: Cross-cultural Approach”.
The participants are asked to submit a paper (for 30 minutes) by January 2006 so that it could be translated by May.
Marietta Stepanyants <>


17-21 July 2006 -- Bandung, Indonesia
Theme: "CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE, culture as threat and opportunity"

17–22 July 2006   University of Malta 
ISSEI  / The International Society for the Study of European Ideas 10th Conference

27th - 30th July 2006  -- Salzburg, Austria
Vorkonferenz: “Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions: Subject Matters, Methods, Perspectives” and
“Hospitality - A Paradigm of Interreligious and Intercultural Encounter.”


Fall 2006: Philosophy, Globalization, and the Environment





Congress 2007
University of Saskatchewan

Krakow, Poland
Prof. Tomas Gizbert-Studnicki will be in charge of the organization




Congress 2007
University of British Columbia

Krakow, Poland