William Sweet's Home Page

Professor William Sweet

Research and Course Information Page

William Sweet is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at St. Francis Xavier University. He regularly teaches the following courses: Philosophy 100 (Introductory Philosophy), Philosophy 240 (Philosophy of Religion) and Philosophy 330 (Ethics). In 1997-98 he will be teaching a new senior seminar, Philosophy 450 (Topics in Political Philosophy and the Philosophy of Law); the theme will be `Liberalism and Rights.'

Professor Sweet holds doctoral level diplomas in political science from the Sorbonne at the Universite de Paris (D.E.A.) and in philosophy from the University of Ottawa (Ph.D) and from the Universite Saint-Paul (D.Ph.). He is also a graduate of Carleton University (B.A. Hons., M.A.), the University of Ottawa (B.A. Hons., B.Th.), Saint Paul University (B.Ph., S.T.B., L.Ph.), and the University of Manitoba (M.A.), and has done additional studies at: Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Universitat Wien (Austria), Centre Sevres (Facultes jesuites, Paris), College International de Philosophie (Paris), College de France, College dominicain de philosophie et de theologie (Ottawa), Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Goethe Institut.

During the academic year 1996-97, he was on sabbatical leave, and was a visiting scholar in the Philosophy Program at the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, and at the Chaire Hoover d'ethique economique et sociale, Universite catholique de Louvain.

Professor Sweet has taught at the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, the College de L'Outaouais (Heritage Campus), the University of Saskatchewan and in France. He is the author of one book, six edited collections of scholarly essays, and over 50 articles and encyclopedia articles, and has numerous other publications. As well, he is the Editor of Etudes maritainiennes - Maritain Studies and of the Newsletter of the Society of Christian Philosophers (Canada).

A list of his recent and forthcoming publications and conference presentations is available here.

His areas of scholarly interest are: (Primary): Late 19th and early 20th century Anglo-American Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion; Ethics; Social and Political Philosophy; (Secondary): Recent French and German Philosophy; History of Classical Greek and Mediaeval Philosophy; Philosophy of Human Nature; Logic.

Currently, he is at work on several books: (Signification, demonstration et croyance religieuse, Bernard Bosanquet: An Introduction to His Life and Work, Anti-foundationalism, Faith and Community (with Hendrik Hart), and Liberalisme et droit naturel), and is preparing a critical edition of Bernard Bosanquet's The Philosophical Theory of the State with Gerald F. Gaus, and a textbook on Liberalism and Rights. He has been invited to prepare a 20 volume set of the Works of Bernard Bosanquet, with introductions and critical bibliographies for Thoemmes Press in Bristol, U.K. and collections of essays on Religion, Modernity and Post Modernity and God and Argument. He has recently prepared a collection of critical essays, entitled The Bases of Ethics.

His areas of not-quite-so-scholarly interest are... Anyway, he seems to find the following to be examples of 'humour'. Readers may well wonder why.

Here are some useful resources in philosophy and religion. And here are some interesting philosophy conferences and fellowships.

If you wish, you may send a comment to him.

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DDr. William Sweet                Voice:  (902) 867-2341       
Associate Professor               Fax:    (902) 867-2448        
Department of Philosophy          Email:  wsweet@stfx.ca 
St. Francis Xavier University     XEL:    http://cwaves.stfx.ca   
P. O. Box 5000                    St F X: http://juliet.stfx.ca 
Antigonish, N. S. B2G 2W5
Home Page http://juliet.stfx.ca/people/fac/wsweet/welcome.html

Updated 1997/04/08.
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