Physics 201: Modern Physics

Introduction to Relativity and Quantum Physics


Winter Term 2012-13

Instructor: Dr. Carl Adams  Room 1006 PSC

Physics 201 is a second year course primarily aimed at science students and physics majors that want to go beyond the topics that were presented in PHYS 100/120.  When you ask most people what physics is they tend to respond with things they have seen on "Big Bang Theory," Einstein's moving clock, "Brief History of Time" and the strange quantum phenomenon of Schrödinger's cat.  In this course we will see that these topics are definitely physics and although they might be strange, unusual, or "impossible to understand" they are definitely real.  And we'll even prove it in the lab!  The picture above shows a blackbody spectrum where we need to assume that the electromagnetic field (a wave) is quantised as particles (photons).

Since this is a physics course we will be speaking about things quantitatively whenever possible but I will try to keep the math to a 1st year calculus level with just a few, very simple differential equations.  You will also gain some insight into where physics equations come from and what rules they need to follow (and you will even learn that many of them are wrong!).  If you are non-physics student but are scared to take this course, don't be.  Many of my best students are non-physics students and in any given year roughly 25% of the class is made up of non-physics students. 

The experimental lab is a significant part of this course.  Follow this link for lab resources.

This is the course outline and the link to previous tests.

Come on by and visit me!  I have time available to help you with the course.


  1. Jan. 3: Labs begin Jan. 9 in PS 1023.  Please bring a hard cover lab book (even if it has already been started for another course).
  2. Jan. 3: The text is "Modern Physics" 6th edition by Tipler and Llewellyn.
  3. Jan. 3: I will be out of town the week of Jan. 14.  I am still working on the plan for either re-scheduling or having a substitute teach the lectures.
  4. Jan. 24: Here is the link to the file I was describing in class today.  Here are links to space-time diagrams for beta= 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.866.
  5. Jan. 24: Here is Assignment #1.  It is due Feb. 1.
  6. Feb. 22: Here is Assignment #2.  It is due March 12.