Topic #5b – Putting Things Together

What have we seen so far?

  • Values

  • Types

  • Variables

  • Print

  • Input

  • Functions

  • Booleans

  • Logic

  • If/Else


A car rental place needs our help. They want a simple program to calculate how much a customer is to be charged based on their rental agreement, age, how far they drove, and how long they had the car.


  • We will get the customer’s:
    • Age

    • Rental agreement classification code (B or D)

    • Number of days rented

    • Starting odometer reading

    • Ending odometer reading

  • If the classification code is B
    • Base charge of $20.00/day

    • Plus $0.30 for every km driven

  • If the classification is D
    • Base charge of $50.00/day

    • Plus $0.30 for every km driven above the 100km/day average allowance

  • All renters under the age of 25 are charged an additional $10.00/day

  • Print out the final total cost

Step 1

  • Freak out

Step 2

  • Let’s take a deep breath and break this problem down

  • Half of the description is IO
    • Let’s save this for last because it’s super easy

  • The only beefy part of this is the calculation
    • Freak out again

    • Then realize we can break it down into bits and pieces that we can solve

Let’s look at the requirements:

  • If the classification code is B
    • Base charge of $20.00/days

    • Plus $0.30 for every km driven

  • If the classification is D
    • Base charge of $50.00/days

    • Plus $0.30 for every km driven above the 100km/day average allowance.

What do I see?

  • I see if statements there
    • Well I know how to do that

  • I see that there is some math, which isn’t too bad
    • I can do simple math

  • Looks like we need to know the total kms
    • I can do that

  • Need to know the average number of kms driven
    • Easy stuff

  • Need to know how many kms above 100 we are
    • So just figure out if a number is greater than 100?

Step 3:

Based on this, I will write:

  • Function to calculate the kms

  • Function to calculate average kms

  • Function to calculate the number of kms above the 100 allowance

  • Function to calculate the total charge



Function to calculate the total number of kms. What do we know?
  • Odometer readings!

 1def total_kms(odometer_start, odometer_finish):
 2    '''
 3    This function calculates the total number of kilometers driven based
 4    on starting and ending odometer readings.
 6    :param odometer_start: The number of kms the car had before renting
 7    :param odometer_finish: The number of kms the car had after rending
 8    :return: The total kms driven during the rental period
 9    '''
11    return odometer_finish - odometer_start

Who thought that was too easy?

Function to calculate the daily average number of kms. What do we know?
  • We have a function to calculate the total kms

  • We also know the number of days the car was rented.

 1def average_kms_per_day(num_days, num_kms):
 2    '''
 3    Calculate the average number of kilometers driven per day
 4    over the rental period
 6    :param num_days: The total number of days the car was rented
 7    :param num_kms: The total number of kilometers driven during the rental period
 8    :return: The average number of kilometers driven per day
 9    '''
11    return num_kms/num_days

Who thought that was also too easy?

Ok. Now for something harder… Number of kms over the daily average allowance. What do we know?
  • Function to calculate the daily average

 1def num_kms_above_average(num_days, num_kms):
 2    '''
 3    Calculates the number of kms the renter went over of their daily allowance.
 4    We will use the customer's average daily kms.
 6    :param num_days: Number of days the renter had the car
 7    :param num_kms: Number of kms the renter drove in total
 8    :return: The number of kms over 100 they went (return 0 if it's less than 100)
 9    '''
11    # Calculate the number of kms traveled per day.
12    kms_per_day = average_kms_per_day(num_days, num_kms)
14    # If the average kms traveled is above 100,
15    # return how much above
16    if kms_per_day  > 100:
17        return kms_per_day - 100
18    else:
19        return 0

Who thought that wasn’t too bad?

Now for the tough one… calculate the total cost. What do we know?
  • age

  • class

  • odometer readings

  • number of days

  • the above functions

 1def calculate_total_charge(num_days, age, code, odometer_start, odometer_finish):
 2    '''
 3    Calculate how much the renter needs to be charged based on the classification,
 4    the number of kms travelled and the age of the driver.
 6    :param num_days: Number of days the car was rented.
 7    :param age: Age of the driver.
 8    :param code: The classification code (B ord D).
 9    :param odometer_start: Odometer when the renter took the car.
10    :param odometer_finish: Odomoter when the renter returned the car.
11    :return: The amount to charge the renter.
12    '''
14    # Setup a variable for our total charge
15    total_charge = 0
17    # Calculate the number of kilometres traveled.
18    total_kms_traveled = total_kms(odometer_start, odometer_finish)
20    # If B, $20/day + km charge of 0.30/km
21    if code == 'B':
22        total_charge = 20.00 * num_days + 0.30 * total_kms_traveled
23    # If D, $50 base charge, + 0.30/km OVER 100km
24    else:
25        total_charge = 50.00 * num_days + 0.30 * num_kms_above_average(num_days, total_kms_traveled)
27    # if they're young, add an additional $10/day charge.
28    if age < 25:
29        total_charge += (10 * num_days)
31    # return the result
32    return total_charge

Hmm, defo was tricker, but still not too bad at all!

Now just do the IO part, which we have done a bunch of times before

1age = int(input('Age: '))
2classification = input('Classification Code: ')
3number_of_days = int(input('Number of Days Rented: '))
4starting_kms = float(input('Odometer reading at start: '))
5ending_kms = float(input('Odometer reading at end: '))
7total_charge = calculate_total_charge(number_of_days, age, classification, starting_kms, ending_kms)
9print('The total charge is: ' + str(total_charge))

Let’s try: Google colab.


Think about how you would write this differently
  • Would you use all the same functions?

  • Would you change how the functions worked?

  • Would you move where you called the functions?

  • Would you add additional functions?

  • Would you use constants? (say yes)

  • So, why did I write it the way I did?

  • Honestly, just because

  • No other reason other than it was the way I wrote it

  • What matters here is that it worked

  • But I could write this so so so many other ways and still have it work

  • This is NORMAL

For next class