Col. the Hon. George F.G. Stanley
C.C., C.D., K.St.J., D.Phil., F.R.S.C., F.R.Hist.S., &c.




141. The birth of Western Canada: a history of the Riel rebellions. Maps by C.C.J. Bond. 2nd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1960. Pp. xiv, 475.

Reprinted in University of Toronto Press's Canadian University Paperback Series 1961, 1963, 1966, 1970,1975.

"The remaining stock of the 1936 edition was destroyed in London in 1940. University of Toronto Press took over the copyright and brought out a second edition in 1960."

142.     Beaver, 292 (Autumn 1961), 58. L.G. Thomas.



143.     Canadian Historical Review, 43, no. 2 (1962), 144-147. Margaret A. Ormsby.

144.     Culture, 23 (March 1962), 115-116. John Hare.

145.     English Historical Review, 78 (1963), 411. H.S. Ferns.

146.     Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 47 (June 1961), 160. Unsigned.

147.     Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 52 (Oct. 1961), 164. K.A. MacKirdy.

148.     Queen's Quarterly, 68 (1961), 362-363.W.L. Morton.

149.     Saskatchewan history, 15 (1962), 76-77.Lewis H. Thomas.

150.     Race, v. 6 (1965), 352.

151.     English Historical Review, v. 78 (1963), 411.


152. Canada's soldiers: the military history of an unmilitary people. In collaboration with Harold M. Jackson. Maps by C.C.J. Bond. 2nd ed. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1960. Pp. 449.


153.     Beaver, 291 (Spring 1961), 56-57. Herbert F. Wood.

154.     Canadian Historical Review, 42, no. 3 (1961), 250-251. Unsigned.

155.     Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 27 (1961), 392-394. D.G.G. Kerr

156.     Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, 14 (1960), 464-468.

157.     University of Toronto Quarterly, 30 (1961), 146,471-472. Richard A. Preston


158. In the face of danger: the history of the Lake Superior Regiment. Introduction by R.A. Keane. Maps by C.C.J. Bond. Port Arthur, Ontario: Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, 1960, Pp. 357.



159.    Canadian Historical Review, 42, no. 2 (1961) , 154-155. R. H. Roy.


160. "French and English in Western Canada", in Wade, Mason ed. Canadian dualism; Studies of French-English relations. Edited by Mason Wade-for a Committee of the Social Science Research Council of Canada under the chairmanship of Jean C. Falardeau. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Quebec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1960, Pp. 311-350.


161. "The Campaign of 1885: a contemporary account". Saskatchewan History, 13 (1960), 100-107.

162. "Charles William White 1873-1960". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. 3rd series, 54 (1960), 149-153.

163. "Kingston and the North West Rebellion, 1885". Historic Kingston, 9(1960), 31-45.


164. Dornbusch, C.E.The Canadian army 1855-1958; Regimental histories and a guide to the regiments. Cornwallville, New York: Hope Farm Press, 1959.

Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 41, no. 1(1960), 77-78.
165. McNaught, Kenneth. A Prophet in politics: Biography of J.S. Woodsworth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1959.
Reviewed in: Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, 14 (1960), 128-131.
166. Stacey, C.P. The victory campaign: the operations in North West Europe 1944-1945. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1960 Pp. 770. Vol. 3 of his The official history of the Canadian Army in the Second World-War.
Review: "Victory is heavy going". Saturday Niqht. 16 April 1960, p. 33-34.
167. Wainwright, Nicholas B. George Corghan:Wilderness diplomat. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1959.
Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 41,no. 2 (1960), 172-173.


168. Stanley, G.F.G. and Guy Sylvestre eds. Canadian universities today: a symposium presented to the_Royal Society of Canada in 1960. Les universitées canadiennes d'aujourd'hui: Colloque présenté à  la_Societé royale du Canada en 1960.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961. Pp; x, 97. (Royal Society of Canada. Studia Varia, 6).


169.     Dalhousie Review, 41 (1961-62), 558-561. E.F. Sheffield.

170.    Queen's Quarterly, 68 (1962), 673-674. G.C. Andrew.

171.    Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa, 31 (1961), 600. Henri Saint-Denis.


172. ed. For want of a horse: being a journal of the campaigns against the Americans in 1776 and 1777 conducted from Canada. By an officer who served with Lt. Gen. Burgoyne. Introduction by G.F.G. Stanley. Sackville, Tribune Press, 1961. Pp. ix, 194.

173..     Canadian Historical Review, 43, no. 4 (1962),-347-348. Richard Glover.

174.     Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, 16 (1962), 278-281. Lionel Groulx.

175.     University of Toronto Quarterly. 32 (July 1963), 481. R.A. Preston.

176.      Military Affairs, v. 43 (1962-63), 14.


177. Cuneo, John R. Robert Rogers of the Rangers. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1959.

Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 42, no. 3 (1961), 58.
178. Lajeunesse, Ernest J. The Windsor border-region, Canada's southernmost frontier: a collection of documents. Toronto: Champlain society, 1960. Pp. cixix, 374. (Vol. 4 of the Ontario -Series).

        Reviewed in: The Beaver, 291 (Spring 1961) , 57.

179. Thomson, Dale C. Alexander Mackenzie, Clear Grit. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1960. Pp. vii, 436.
Reviewed in: Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, 15 (1961), 131-134.



180. "Invasion: 1838 (The battle of the windmill)" Ontario History, 54 (Dec. 1962), 237-252.


181. Osler, E.B. The man who had to hang: Louis Riel. London: Longmans, 19-61.

Reviewed in: Revue d'Histoire de I'Amérique Française, 16 (1962), 130-133.


182. Louis Riel. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1963. Pp. 433. (Our living tradition series).

"This title has been reprinted several times. After 1972 the imprint reads Toronto: McGraw Hill". Paperback 1972 by McGraw Hill Ryerson; 1984 with new preface McGraw Hill -Ryerson.


183.     Alberta Historical Review, 12, no. 1 (1964), 30-31. W.B. Fraser.

184.     Beaver, 294 (Autumn 1963), 55-56. George Woodcock.

185.     Canadian Author and Bookman, 31, no. 1 (1963), 20, 24. Herbert Fairlie Wood.

186.     Canadian Forum, 43 (Sept. 1963), 139. John Saywell.

187.     Canadian Historical Review, 46 (1965), 152-154. Mason Wade.


188    . Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 30, no. 4 (1964), 609-610. C.P. Stacey.

189.      "The makings of a myth". (Review article) Canadian literature, 18 (1963), 53, 54, 56. George Robertson.

190.     Dalhousie Review, 44, no. 1 (1964), 123, 125. G.E. Wilson.

191.     "The path that led Louis Riel to the gallows". Globe and Mail Magazine, 31 August 1963, p. 15. W.L. Morton.

192.     Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 55 (1964), 132. L.G. Thomas.

193.     Queen's Quarterly, 71 (1964), 272-273. Lewis H. Thomas.

194.     Revue d'Histoire de I'Amérique Française, 17 (1963), 293-301. Lionel Groulx.

195.     Saskatchewan History, 17, no. 1 (1964), 77-79. Lewis H. Thomas.

196.     University of Toronto Quarterly, 33 (1964) , 469. Morris Zaslow.


197. "The contribution of the Canadian militia during the war", in Mason, Philip Parker, ed. After Tippecanoe: some aspects of the War of 1812, by William T. Utter et al. Introduction. By- -Fred Coyne. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1963, Pp. 28-48.

    "Lectures presented in 1961-62 in Detroit and Windsor. Known as the Quaife-Boyliss Lectures, sponsored by the     Algonquin Club."


198. "Foreword" to Upper Canadian Historical Arms Society. The Military Arms of Canada. Westhill, Ont., Museum Restoration Service, 1963, F. 6.


199. "Founder's Day Address". Mount Allison Record, 45,.no. 1 (1963), Pp. 4-6, 25-28. "Address delivered at Founder's Day Convocation, Mount Allison University, 26 October 1962".


200. "L'invasion fénienne au Manitoba".   Revue d'Histoire de I'Amérique Française,17 (1963-64), 258-268.

201. "Le journal de l’abbé N.-J. Ritchot, 1870". Revue d'Histoire de I'Amérique Française, 17 (1963-69) , 537-764.

202. "The significance of the Six Nations participaton in the War of 1812", Ontario History, 55 (Dec. 1963) , 215-231.


203. Gray, John. Lord Selkirk of Red River. Toronto: Macmillan, 1963. Pp. xvii, 388p.

Reviewed in: Globe and Mail Magazine, November 9, 1963, p. 18.
204. Parsons, John E. West on the 49th Parallel: Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876. New York: William Morrow. Toronto: McLeod Ltd., 1963. Pp. 208.

          Reviewed in: The Beaver, 294 (Winter 1963), 57.



205. "The Indians in the War of 1812", in Zaslow, Morris ed. The defended border:-Upper Canada and the War of 1812. Edited for the 0ntario Historical Society by Morris Zaslow, assisted by Wesley B. Turner. Toronto: Macmillan, 1964, p. 174-188.

"Appeared previously in Canadian Historical Review, 31 (1950)."


206. "Louis Riel". Revue d'Histoire de I'Amérique Française, 18 (1964), 14-26 ."Causerie prononcée au diner de la reunion générale, le 25 avril 1964, au Chalet de l'Ile Sainte Hélène, Montreal."

207. The man who made Canada. New York: Foundations for Public Relations Research a Education, 1965, Pp. 20.

        "Address before the Conference of the Public Relations Society of America, Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, November 9, 1964."



208. "Canada's armed forces", in The Book of Knowledge. Lowell A. Martin, editorial director. New York: Grolier, 1964.

209. "Rating the Prime Ministers". Globe and Mail Magazine, 18 July 1964, Pp. 8-12.

210. "Six nations and the American revolution". Ontario History, 56 (Dec. 1964), 217-232.


211. Anburey, Thomas. With Burgoyne from Quebec: an account of the life at Quebec and of the famous battle at Saratoga. Edited and with an introduction by Sydney Jackman. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1963. Pp. 220.

Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 45, no. 3 (1964), 248-249.
212. Bird, Harrison. Navies in the mountains: the battles on the waters of Lake Champlain and Lake George, 1609-1814. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 45, no. 3 (1964), 248-249.
213. Spry, Irene M. The Palliser expedition: an account of John Palliser's British North America expedition-, 1857-1860. Toronto: Macmillan, 1963. Ppi vi, 310. Globe and Mail Magazine, 7 March 1964, p. 13.


214. The story of Canada's flag, an historical sketch. Toronto: Ryerson, 1965. Pp. 96.


215. "Louis Riel". in McDougall, Robert L., ed. Our living tradition: fifth series: Canada's past and present: a dialogue. Toronto: Published in association with Carleton University by the University of Toronto Press, 1965. Pp. 21-40.



216. "Kingston and Oswego: an address to the Heritage Foundation of Oswego, New York, on the 150th anniversary of the British capture of Fort Ontario at Oswego. May 6, 1814." Historic Kingston, 13 (1965), 76-83.


217. "Canada's father of Confederation was true son of Kingston." Kingston Whig-Standard, 10 January 1965.

218. "The Macpherson-Shaw-Macdonald connection". Historic Kingston, 13 (1965), 3-20.

219. "Report of the Local History Section". Canadian Historical Association Annual Report, (1965), 157.



220. ed. Pioneers of Canadian science: symposium presented in 1964. Les pionniers de la science canadiennes: colloque presentè en 1964. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966. Pp. xiii, 146. (Royal Society of Canada. Studia Varia, 9).


221.     Choice, 4 (1967), 181. Unsigned.

222.     Journal of American History, 53 (1967), 875. G.H. Daniels.


223. "Lionel -Adolphe Groulx: historian and prophet of French Canada" in LaPierre, Laurier L., ed. French Canadian thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Published for the French Canada Studies Programme, McGill University. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1966. Pp. 97-114.



224. Historical flags of Canada. Project 67. Toronto: Ontario Dept. of Education, 1967. Pp. 50.



225. "Act or pact? Another look at Confederation", in Creighton, D.G. et al. Confederation: essays. Introduction by Ramsay Cook. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967, Pp. 94-118. Appeared previously in the Canadian Historical Association Annual Report, 1956.

226. "The 1870's" and "The fighting forces", in Careless, J.M.S. and Brown, R. Craig, eds. The Canadians 1867-1967.  Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1967, Pp. 37-69; 764-784.


227. "Canada, Kingston honour Sir John A. Kingston Whig-Standard, 10 January 1967, p. 29.

228. "Local St. Andrews Society was organized in hotel". Kingston Whig-Standard (Special Centennial Issue), 1 July 1967, p. A-22.


229. Trudeau, Pierre Elliot. Le féderalisme. Montreal:Editions HMH, 1967.

        Reviewed in: Livres et auteurs Canadiens, (1967), 154-155.



230. New France: the last phase, 1744-1760. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1968. Pp. xvi, 319. (Canadian Centenary Series, V. 5).


231.     Canadian Historical Review 50 (1969), 198-199. Jack M. Sosin .

232.     Canadian Literature, 39 (1969), 103. Unsigned.

233.     Economist, 23 August 1969, p. 49. Unsigned.

234.     English Historical Review, 85 (1970), 855-856i A.F. MCC. Madden.


235.     French Studies (1971), 497. R. Robidoux.

236.     Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française, 23, no. 2(1969), 314-316. Jacques Gouin.


237. "The Rush-Bagot Agreement, 1817". Historic Kingston, 16 (1968) , 77-83.

238. "The role of history". Kingston Whig-Standard, 14 June 1968, p. 43.


239. Goodspeed, D.J. Lt. Col., ed. The armed forces of Canada 1867-1967: a century of achievement. Ottawa: Directorate of History, Canadian Forces Headquarters, 1967.

Reviewed in: Canadian Historical Review, 49, no. 2 (1968), 184.
240. Swettenham, John. McNaughton. (Vol. 1, 1887-1939). Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1968. Pp. xxi, 370.
Reviewed in: Financial Post, 19 October 1968, p. 39.


241. A short history of the Canadian constitution . Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1969. Pp. Ix. 230.


242.     Atlantic Advocate, 24 April 1970, p. 60. Unsigned.

243.     Canadian Historical Review, 52 (1971), 182-183. Fred Schindler.

244.     Canadian Historical Review, 52 (1971), 180-181. Eugene Forsey.

245.     Queen's Quarterly, 77 (1970) , 279-281 . J.A. Corry.

246.     Relations, 345 (1970), 30. Richard Arès.

247.     Revue d 'Histoire de l'Amérique Française , 23 (1969) 465-466. Michel Brunet.


248. "Louis Riel: excerpts" in Bowsfield, Hartwell, ed. Louis Riel: rebel of the western frontier, or victim of politics and prejudice? Toronto: Copp Clark, 1969. Issues in Canadian History, pp. 12-13; 49-51; 62-63;69-72;96-99; 117-118; 119-121; 191-192.


249. "Evan MacColl, Kingston's Gaelic poet". Historic Kingston, 17 (1969), 30-49.

250. "François Desjordy Moreau de Cabanac", in Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Vol. 2, 1701-1740. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969, Pp. 186-187.

251. "Joseph Desjordy de Cabanac", in Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Vol. 2, 1701-1740. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969, Pp. 185-186.

252. "Nicolas Daneau de Muy", in Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Vol. 2, 1701-1740. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969, Pp. 168-169.

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