Quantum Optics Simulator: Instructions
© Karl-Peter Marzlin 2021

The Quantum Optics Simulator enables you to simulate experiments with single photons, such as they are done in many research labs worldwide. The main area of the simulated lab is an optical table (the metallic surface), on which a variety of optical elements can be mounted. This documents describes the types of optical elements and their function.

General interface functions

List of optical elements

A laser is simply a source of individual photons. In QOS, it can either emit a single photon (the "S" button), or it can run incontinuous mode ("C" button), where it emits photons at random times with a given rate. Photons emitted by the laser always have horizontal polarization. In single photon mode, the polarization of the photon, or more precisely its electric field vector, is shown as an oscillating arrow near the photon.
For convenience, a photon counter is added to the laser. A real laser does not have that, of course, but for the simulation it is sometimes useful to know how many photons have been emitted. You can reset the counter by clicking the "R" button.
A mirror simply changes the direction of a photon.
A single-photon detector absorbs photons. If its detection surface (the golden part) points in the direction of an incoming photon, it also counts the photon. The detector efficiency is 100%, but keep in mind that if a photon is in a superposition, it may only hit the detector with, say, a 50% chance. If it didn't hit the detector, you know that the photon will have taken the another path in the superposition.
A detector displays the number of photons that it has counted so far. To reset the count to zero, click on the "R" button.
A beam splitter is a semi-transparent mirror which transmits light with a 50% chance and reflects light with a 50% chance. If a single photon hits a beam splitter, it will leave it in a superposition of both cases.
Note that a beam splitter may also change the phase of reflected light. Transmitted light will always have the same phase as incoming light. If light enters the beam splitter from the yellow side, reflected light will also have the same phase incoming light, i.e., crest remains crest. However, if light enters the beam splitter from the white side, reflected light will experience a 180° phase shift, i.e., a crest turns into a trough and vice versa.
A phase shifter changes the phase of light. You can pick the phase change by clicking on the small circle near the phase shifter. If the circle is all white, the phase change will be zero. If the circle is half black, the phase of light will be changed by 180° and so on.
A wave plate changes the polarization of a photon. By clicking on the small circle near the wave plate, you can rotate the polarization by a given amount. If the circle is all white, polarization will remain unchanged, If a quarter of the circle is black, polarization will be rotated by 90° and so on.
A polarization filter absorbs a photon if it polarization is perpendicular to the direction of the filter, and it lets the photon through if its polarization points in the same direction.
You can think of the filter as a polarization measurement. If a photon has a polarization that is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the filter, the photon will be absorbed with a probability that depends on the dot product between filter direction and polarization.
You can change the direction of the filter by clicking on the small circle near it.
🗑 Waste basket. To remove an optical element, drag it over the waste basket and drop it once the basket turned red.

Acknowledgement: a very early version this program has been developed by Rachel Kiefl as part of her Advanced Major project at St. Francis Xavier University.