Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

Gillis Family: Arisaig (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


John Gillis (Ban) (b.1768?? –1788-1791-) married Flora McEachern (Rankin, 142)

John (Red) Gillis, (-d.1880?) late pioneer married Christie McDonald (Loddy)

John (Og) Gillis (…1936…) [John A. of 1908 (McAlpine Publishing)?], married Janet McDonald

Colin Gillis (b.1844-1893-)??? married Mary (if they are #49 on 1891 census)

John Gillis (b.1877 – 1891-)

Ranald Gillis (b.1879 – 1891-)

Laughlan Gillis (b.1881 – 1891-)

Lewis Gillis (b.1883 – 1891-)

Catherine Gillis (b.1877 – 1891-)

Mary Gillis (b.1884 – 1891-)(b.1844)???

Colin Gillis married Margaret Campbell

Catherine Gillis married D. D. MacGillivary

Mary Gillis married in Seattle

John Gillis away

Laughlan Gillis away

Ronald Gillis away

Ronald L. Gillis away

Alex Gillis a shoemaker in Trenton married with family

James Gillis died young

Flora Gillis married Alex MacDonald (Retland)

Sarah Gillis married John McNeil

Kate Gillis married Angus MacDonald (Rory)

Donald Gillis, married Catherine McDonald, moved to Prince Edward Island

John Gillis (Ban) (see above)

John (Red) Gillis, (see above)

Laughlan Gillis (grants maps, 1859) (a Laughlan listed in 1838) [on lands granted to John Red so probably another son] married Mary Gillis

John Gillis married Margaret MacVarish

Colin F. Gillis married Sarah McDonald, no issue

Dan J. Gillis married Kate O. Sullivan

Dan Gillis

John Gillis

Margaret Gillis

Catherine Gillis

Kenny Gillis

Colin Gillis

David Gillis

Fred Gillis

Leo Laughlan Gillis married Maude Fleet

Joe Gillis

Margaret Gillis

Neil Gillis

Angus Neil Gillis married Bridget MacIvors

John Gillis

Mary Gillis

Kathleen Gillis

Robert Gillis

Bernard Gillis

Mary Ann Gillis died young

Leo Gillis died young

Colin Gillis married in USA

Donald Gillis married Miss McDonald

Laughlan Gillis away

Kate Gillis married to Ronald MacIsaac

Mary Gillis married to John MacLeod Christy Gillis

John Gillis (Ban) (see above)

John (Red) Gillis, (see above)

Angus Gillis married Elizabeth McDonald

Colin Gillis, married in the USA

Alex D. Gillis, married to Miss Bentley, New Glasgow

Flora Gillis married Duncan MacEachern, Boston

Kate Gillis a religious

x Gillis married to Mr. McGlynn

another daughter, not married

Colin Gillis, not married

Alex Gillis (b.1822 – 1901) married to Kate MacDougall (b.1828 – 1901-)

John Gillis (b.1861 – 1901- )

Dan A. Gillis

Mary Gillis (b.1867 – 1891 - ) married John D. MacLeod, Knoydart

Ann Gillis married Duncan McDonald, Bailey's Brook

Catherine Gillis married Angus J. Gillis, Cape George

another daughter, died

Donald Gillis (was drowned at Arisaig), married Mary MacPherson

Kate Gillis married Donald MacDonald, Double Hill

two other daughters

John Gillis (Ban) (see above)

Angus Gillis married Sarah McDonald

Stephen Gillis (b.1835 – 1901-) married Catherine McDonald (b.-d. by 1891)

Dan S. Gillis married an American in Kansas City

J. John Gillis, Kansas City

Vincent Gillis (V. Daniel? b.1879 –1901-) died not married

Laughlan Gillis (b.1874 –1901-) married Mary McDonnell

two sons one dead

one daughter

John Gillis not married died

Angus Gillis (b.1870 –1901-)

William Gillis not married died  (b.1875 –1901-)

Sarah Gillis married to William McPherson

Mary Gillis married Angus H. Quarry

Marg Gillis (b.1876 –1901-)

Donald Gillis married Marcella McDonald

Angus Gillis not married

Lillian Gillis married to Matthias Hanrahan

Kate Gillis married to Duncan McDonald, Harborview, Inverness

Flora Gillis married to McDonald, Port Hood

Mary Gillis


Laughlan Gillis, [son of Donald according to Rankin (143), unclear how this and the following would make sense …perhaps son of Angus?] not married, followed the sea

John Gillis not married in the United States

Mary Gillis married Angus MacPherson, Maryvale, lives in Pictou

Flora Gillis married Ronald McDonald, Port Hood

Ann Gillis married Charles MacGillivary, West River

Margaret Gillis married Ronald McDonald (Dougald Mor), Malignant Cove

Elizabeth Gillis married Charles McDonald, Port Hood

John Gillis (Ban) (see above)

Alexander Gillis married Mary Smith

a girl who died young

Laughlan Gillis not married

John Gillis married Margaret MacDonald

Donald Gillis married Ann Grant

one boy won girls both dead

Donald Gillis remarried to Isabel MacDonald

Alex A. Gillis

Colin Gillis

Catherine Gillis married Dan J. MacDougall, Cape Breton

Ann Gillis married Dan R. MacGillivary, Dunmaglass

Margaret Gillis married

Alex Gillis married is a traveling salesman

Mary Gillis married Hugh MacDonald

Margaret Gillis married Donald Ross

Ann Gillis married Hugh MacGillivary

Flora Gillis married Donald MacDonald

Isabelle Gillis married Alex MacEachern, Georgeville

Elizabeth Gillis married Ronald McKinnon, Dunmaglass

Reverend J. J. McKinnon parish priest New Glasgow

John Gillis (Ban) (see above)

Alan Gillis married Elizabeth McDonald, lived at Pleasant Valley

William Gillis married ? Cameron

John Gillis married first Miss McDonald

John Gillis remarried Christina McDonald

Laughlan Gillis, married four times

Donald Gillis married Kate Cameron

Angus Gillis also married

Stephen Gillis married Miss Doherty Bridgeport Cape Breton

Ann Gillis married Donald MacDonald, Bailey's Brook

Flora Gillis married Donald MacDonald, Georgeville

Christy Gillis married Angus McDonald

Mary Gillis married Alex MacDonald(Loddy)

Catherine Gillis married first Duncan MacGillivray

Catherine Gillis remarried John Smith

Donald Gillis (brother of John Ban), settled to the east of John's place. Married Christie McDonald widow of John Smith

Alex Gillis married a Miss Gillis

William Gillis married Margaret MacDonald widow of John Gillis

John Gillis married first MacInnis

John Gillis remarried Margaret McDonald

Donald Gillis married Ann McKinnon

Dougald Mackay Gillis died in Truro

Mary Ann Gillis married Donald MacDonald, Kirk

Hugh Gillis not married, stonecutter

Laughlan Gillis (b.1880 – 1901-) [ie #238?] not married

Alex Gillis not married

Sarah Gillis married Alex Chisholm, Merigomish

Ann Gillis married to John MacDonald (Loddy)

Flora Gillis married Alex McPherson North Grant

Mary Gillis married Allan Donald Cape Breton

Peter Gillis (b. –1797-1868-), Born in Scotland came to America early in the 19th century settled at Doctors Brook married Miss MacDonald

Angus Gillis married Catherine McDonald moved to Prince Edward Island

Laughlan Gillis (b.1801-1858-) married Anne Kieley

Angus Gillis married first Ann MacGillivary

Alex Gillis married, in NewGlasgow

Laughlan Gillis not married lives in Purl Brook

Ann Gillis married Angus McDonald Purl Brook

Angus Gillis remarried a lady from Halifax

Donald Gillis married Kate Grant

Laughlan Gillis in Boston

John Gillis married in Boston

Willie Gillis died while a student in Winnipeg

Joe Gillis married to Catherine McDonald Doctors Brook

Dan Gillis not married in Boston

Dougald Gillis not married in southern United States

Marianne Gillis out West

Catherine Gillis married John Turelly, Boston

Betsy Gillis Cambridge, Massachusetts

John Gillis not married died

Peter Gillis married a lady from Cape Breton

John A Gillis a student at St. Francis Xavier

Mary Gillis married Michael MacGillivary, Dunmaglass

Ann Gillis married Charles Gillis, Pleasant Valley

William Gillis (b.1850 – 1901-) married Sarah MacQuarrie  (b.1860 – 1901-) Eigg Mountain

John Gillis died

Bessy Gillis died young

Sarah Gillis , (b.1889 – 1901-) died young

Flora Bell Gillis , (b.1891 – 1901-) married Ronald A. McDonald, Arisaig

Mary Gillis , (b.1881 – 1901-) married Colin J. McDonald McCara’s Brook

Mary Ann Gillis, (b.1894 – 1901-) nun Halifax

Duncan Gillis married Catherine McDonald lived in Inverness County

John Gillis married Miss McDonald lived in Inverness County

Catherine Gillis married Donald MacDonald take Mountain

Sarah Gillis not married

Ann Gillis not married


Gillis Family: Eigg Mountain


Hughie (Ewan Mor) Gillis (settler from PEI) (b. 1797??- …1859…) married Margaret McDonald, daughter of Alex

[3 sons and 7 daughters according to 1838]

Peter Gillis (if he were the eldest, b. possibly 1817-24 …1858-67…) married FE McClellan

William Peter Big Hughie Gillis (Fettle, b.1875-1958)

Duncan Gillis not married

Archie Gillis died

Ronald Gillis died

Hugh Gillis married Miss McLean lives in Los Angeles

William Gillis not married owns the McClellan property at Arisaig

Catherine Gillis not married

Duncan Gillis not married went away young

Ronald Gillis not married

Elizabeth Gillis married in Cape Breton

Mary Gillis died not married

Catherine Gillis married in Margaree

Christy Gillis married in Margaree

Margaret Gillis married in Prince Edward Island




Dan Gillis (grants maps, 1859) (~1838) [occupies the land of Angus (below).  Could he be Angus’s father?]  

Angus Gillis (~1908) [2 Angus Gillis’s listed in 1838; one with 2 small children; one with 8 children]

Colin Gillis (~1908)


Angus Gillis (east of the Trunk Road …how is he related the others?] (~1908) [2 Angus Gillis’s listed in 1838; one with 2 small children; one with 8 children]


Laughlan Gillis (grants maps, 1859 the eastern end of the mountain down Doctor’s Brook. Different from the above Laughlan Gillis) (a Laughlan listed in 1838)


William Gillis (granted land on the western end of the brow of the mountain) (~1838)

G. P. Gillis (on Church map near the William Gillis grant – a son?  The P. might actually be a T.) (~1838 …)



Reference List


McAlpine Publishing. McAlpine's Nova Scotia Directory 1907-08. Halifax: McAlpine Publishing Company, 1908.

Rankin, Duncan Joseph. A History of the County of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1929.