Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

MacEachern Families (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


John MacEachern (Red) from Dunaglass, Scotland in 1792, pioneer of the “Gusset” MacEacherns, married Sarah MacGillivray (Rankin, 271) [Rankin clearly does not see this as Eigg Mountain]

John MacEachern (1st son) (born in Scotland) married Isabella MacGillivray

Donald MacEachern married Mary MacAdam (see grants map)

John MacEachern, died in Texas

John Allan MacEachern, not married, died at Arisaig

Angus MacEachern married (first) Miss MacDonald

Warren MacEachern (alive 1929)

Rod MacEachern (alive 1929)

Allan MacEachern, died young

Hugh MacEachern, not married, BC

Stephen MacEachern, not married,

Mary MacEachern, not married,

Kate MacEachern, not married,

Ann MacEachern, not married, Boston

Mary MacEachern married Duncan ThomasThompson

Angus MacEachern married Ann MacDonald [is Angus the “A. MacEachern” of the Church Map?]

Donald MacEachern married Margaret MacDonald, Bailey’s Brook

John MacEachern, not married, died of smallpox in US

Hugh MacEachern, not married, BC

Kate MacEachern married John MacDonald, Brown’s Mountain

Isabella MacEachern, not married, dead by 1929

Isabella MacEachern married Ronald MacDonald, Brown’s Mountian Mountain

Hugh MacEachern, died young

Kate MacEachern married Archie MacGillivray, Bailey’s Brook

Margaret MacEachern married John MacDonald, Keppoch

Ann MacEachern married Ed Digby (Bigley), Brown’s Mountain (by 1929 in Pictou)

Sarah MacEachern married Ronald MacGillivray

John MacEachern (Red) from Scotland in 1792, pioneer of the “Gusset” MacEacherns

Angus MacEachern (2nd son) married Catherine Kate MacDonald

John MacEachern married Sarah Smith, Bailey’s Brook

Ronald MacEachern, married in US, veteran of Civil War (would have to be born 1845 or before)

Alex MacEachern, not married, drown in St John River

Angus MacEachern, in US, veteran of Civil War

Archibald Archie MacEachern (b.about 1805 – d.December 19, 1868) married Mary MacGillivray [is Archie the “A. MacEachern” of the Church Map?]

Kate MacEachern, married John MacPherson

John Archie MacPherson

Willie MacPherson, Vancouver

Kate MacPherson, married John MacKinnon

Flora MacPherson, not married, with her parents in New Glasgow

Hugh MacEachern (b. 1810 – 1891 - ?) married Mary MacDonald (dead by 1891), Brown’s Mountain [is Hugh the “H. MacEachern” of the Church Map?]

John H MacEachern (b.March 28, 1856 – March 4, 1933  - ?), married Anne MacLellan

              Mary MacEachern (b. December 3, 1903 - ?)

             Andrew MacEachern (b.September 14, 1902 - ?)

             Angus Russell MacEachern (b.September 30, 1905 - ?)

John Archie Allan MacEachern (b. July 1,1908 – )

Angus MacEachern (b. May 24, 1860 – 1891 - ?) married Margaret MacDonald (one boy five girls); married Catherine MacDonald (one boy, two girls)

Alexander MacEachern (b. May 26, 1862  – 1891 - ?) married Mrs Daley (one daughter); married Catherine MacDonald

Hugh MacEachern, (b. December 19, 1868  d. 1902) [died when 33 years old]

Archie MacEachern (b. 1873– 1891 - ?)   married Margaret MacDonald Bailey’s Brook (one boy, one girl)

Flora MacEachern (b. 1861 – 1891 - ?)  married Dan G MacDonald (three boys one girl)

Catherine MacEachern, (b. 1867– 1891 - ?)  not married, Boston

Allan MacEachern married to Miss MacDonald, lived in PEI

Two sons and five daughters, PEI and USA

Alexander MacEachern (b. 1811 –1891-?) , married Catherine MacGillivray (b. 1816 – 1891-?) [is Alex the “A. MacEachern” of the Church Map?]

Angus MacEachern (b.about 1845 – d. January 7, 1925), married Catherine Digby [Bigely? yes], Brown’s Mountain

John MacEachern (b.1852 – 1891 -?), not married, Ardness [if the census is correct he was on Eigg Mountain in 1891]

Catherine MacEachern, not married, Boston

Archibald Archie MacEachern,(b.April 17, 1848) married, in Philadelphia

John A. MacEachern, married Mary MacEachern (daughter of Ronald MacEachern), Minnesota

Dan MacEachern, California

Mary MacEachern, married Archie MacDougall, Moncton

Kate MacEachern, married Lauchlin MacLellan

Effie MacEachern, married Peter Gillis

John MacEachern (Red) from Scotland in 1792, pioneer of the “Gusset” MacEacherns

Donald MacEachern, (3rd son) lost in the woods, never found

John Archie MacEachern, last one on Gusset Road, 1955 [Where does he fit above?  He could not actually be John Archie MacPherson, great-great grandson of John MacEachern the pioneer?]  More probably he could be 5th generation (if John the pioneer is counted as first); John the Pioneer would be his great-great-great grandfather.  He could therefore be one of the children of this generation not named in Rankin’s genealogy.


MacEachern brothers from Arisaig, Scotland, settled in Pleasant Valley according to Rev. MacGillivray (MacLean, et al., 114).  Rankin (271), mentions MacEacherns at “Pleasant Valley or Maple Ridge”), he contrast these to the Gussets (above)

John MacEachern (#212) (b.1809-1891-

Donald MacEachern (#241) ?? (b.1850-1891-)

Allan MacEachern (d. 1912) married Kate MacDonald, Soloman

Hugh MacEachern (son of Allan -1912-) (Lot 186) married Ellen MacIsaac (daughter of Big Angus MacIsaac)

Lame Angus MacEachern (b. 1889) (Lot 186)

Dan (Danny Allen [suggests son of rather than grandson of Allan]) MacEachern (Lot 186)

Minnie MacEachern married John MacIsaac, Antigonish

Eliza MacEachern married Sandy MacLellan, Antigonish

Ellen MacEachern (b.1868 –1891-)

Maggie MacEachern (b.1887 –1891-)

Donald L. MacEachern (b.1888 –1891-)

Mary MacEachern (b.1891 –1891-)

Donald MacEachern (b. 1861 –1891-)

Ronald MacEachern (b. 1864 –1891-)

John MacEachern (b. 1862 –1891-)

Lauchy MacEachern married Anne (?) MacMillan (land deeded from Lauchy and Robert Power in 1861 to Angus Gillis)

girl with haemophilia [name?]


Donald MacEachern married Belle MacDonald, Soloman (sister of Kate, above)

Ranald “BelleMacEachern (b.1861-1912-) (Lot 186) (1912 Plan lists Ranald, Hugh and John as occupants of land later associated with Lame Angus)

Nancy MacEachern

Marcella MacEachern married Archie MacDonald

Kate MacEachern married Robert Power

Kate Power, Antigonish


Reference List


MacLean, R. A, et al. History of Antigonish. Antigonish, N.S: Casket Printing & Publishing Co, 1976.

Rankin, Duncan Joseph. A History of the County of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1929.