Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

 1871 Census Arisaig Division 1 and 2 – (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


These families’ locations have been identified using the marriage, death, birth and baptismal records of SMAR and NSVS.


Division 1

# 2 John and Margaret (MacDonald) Gillis Arisaig carpenter

# 5 Allan and Mary (Gillis) MacDonald Arisaig blacksmith

# 6 Stephen and Catherine Gillis Arisaig tanner

# 6 Donald MacPherson s/o Angus and Mary MacPherson Arisaig

# 8 Donald and Margaret (Gillis) Ross Arisaig

# 9 Colin and Mary MacDonald Gusset

#10 John and Sarah MacDonald Arisaig

# 13 Alexander and Mary (Smith) MacDonald Arisaig

# 14 John and Janet (MacDonald) MacDonald Arisaig

# 17 Isabella (MacMichael) MacDonald Doctor’s Brook

# 19 Lewis and Catherine (MacDonald) MacDonald Arisaig/Doctor’s Brook

# 20 Duncan and Sarah (MacKinnon) MacDonald Doctor’s Brook

# 21 John and Mary (MacDonald) MacInnis Charleston, Arisaig

# 22 James MacDonald s/o John and Mary MacDonald Arisaig

# 23 Hugh MacPherson Arisaig probate file

# 26 Stephen and Mary (Campbell) MacIsaac Doctor’s Brook

# 27 Donald and Sarah (MacDonald) Campbell Doctor’s Brook

# 29 Colin and Mary (MacDonald) MacKenzie Doctor’s Brook

# 32 John and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald Doctor’s Brook

# 33 John and Mary (MacKinnon) MacKenzie Doctor’s Brook

# 34 Michael and Mary MacNeil Arisaig/Malignant Cove

# 35 Alexander MacNeil Malignant Cove

# 37 Janet MacNeil Malignant Cove

# 38 John and Jane (MacDonald) MacNeil Malignant Cove

# 43 Angus and Elizabeth (Ross) MacDonald Malignant Cove

# 44 Peter and Catherine (MacAdam) Ross Malignant Cove

# 47 Charles MacDonald/Alexander MacDonald Malignant Cove

# 49 Reverend William MacLeod Arisaig priest

# 50 Hugh and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald Arisaig

# 51 Hugh and Ann “Nancy” MacAdam Arisaig

# 52 Ronald and Catherine MacIsaac Doctor’s Brook

# 54 Michael and Mary MacDonald Malignant Cove

# 56 Ronald and Catherine (Cameron) MacLellan Eigg Mountain

# 59 Hugh and Christy (MacDonald) MacMillan Eigg Mountain/Moidart

# 60 Angus and Ann (Mooney) MacIsaac Eigg Mountain

# 61 John and Flora (MacDonald) Smith Pleasant Valley

# 62 Andrew and Elizabeth (MacDonald) Baxter Pleasant Valley

# 63 Norman and Ann (Smith) MacDonald Pleasant Valley

# 65 Hugh and Janet (Smith) MacGillivray Pleasant Valley

# 66 John and Charlotte (MacGillivray) MacDougall Pleasant Valley

# 68 Hugh and Margaret (Ross) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 69 Donald and Flora MacGillivray Pleasant Valley

# 69 John and Margaret/Catherine (Chisholm) MacGillivray Pleasant Valley

# 73 Archibald and Ann “Nancy” (MacDonald) Smith Pleasant Valley mason

# 74 Charles and Ann Gillis Pleasant Valley joiner

# 75 Donald and Catherine (Cameron) Gillis Pleasant Valley

# 76 Laughlin and Mary (Smith) Gillis Pleasant Valley tailor

# 78 William and Janet (Cameron) Gillis Malignant Brook ship carpenter

# 79 John and Ann (MacDonald) Gillis Pleasant Valley

# 81 John and Ann “Nancy” (Gillis) MacEachern Malignant Brook

# 82 John and Ann “Nancy” (MacPherson) Gillis Arisaig tailor

# 86 Hugh and Margaret (Campbell) MacDonald Pleasant Valley

# 87 Angus and Mary (MacGillivray) MacDonald Pleasant Valley

# 89 Lewis and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald Pleasant Valley ship carpenter

# 90 Alexander and Mary MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 91 Colin and Eunice (MacKinnon) Ross Malignant Brook

# 92 Angus and Ann (Smith) MacDougall Malignant Brook

# 93 Angus and Sarah (MacDougall) MacIsaac Malignant Brook

# 94 James and Mary (MacGillivray) Ross Malignant Brook

# 96 Malcolm and Mary (Gillis) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 97 Roderick and Isabella (MacQuarrie) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 98 Martin and Catherine (Gillis) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 99 Donald and Mary (MacDonald) MacKinnon Malignant Brook/Pleasant Valley

# 100 Ronald and Ann “Nancy” MacKinnon Malignant Brook

# 102 Donald and Ann “Nancy” (Gillis) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 104 Hugh and Margaret “Peggy” (Campbell) MacDonald Pleasant Valley

# 105 John and Catherine (MacGillivray) MacDonald illegible

# 106 Duncan and Ann (Gillis) MacDonald Malignant Brook

# 109 Hugh and Ann “Nancy” (Gillis) MacGillivray Malignant Brook

# 110 Donald and Ann “Nancy” (MacIsaac) MacDonald Malignant Brook painter

# 111 John and Ann “Nancy” (MacDonald) MacEachern Malignant Brook shoemaker

# 112 John and Sarah (MacIntosh) MacQuarrie Back Settlement Brown’s Mt

# 113 Margaret MacDougall w/o Angus Back Settlement Arisaig/Doctor’s Brook

# 114 Donald and Marcella MacDougall Back Settlement Arisaig/Doctor’s Brook

# 115 John and Margaret (MacDonald) MacDougall Back Settlement

# 117 John and Catherine (MacIsaac) MacDonald Back Settlement Arisaig

# 118 John and Mary MacDonald Arisaig

# 122 John and Christy MacGillivray Highfield

# 125 Donald and Mary MacGillivray Rear of Bailey’s Brook/Malignant Brook

# 126 Hugh and Catherine MacGillivray Malignant Brook will 293

#127 Alexander and Mary MacGillivray Malignant Brook

# 128 Donald and Marcella (MacDonald) Gillis Arisaig




Division 2

# 2 Donald and Flora (Gillis) MacDonald Arisaig

# 3 John and Catherine MacDonald Arisaig miller

# 4 Angus and Christy (MacDonald) Smith Arisaig (*wife listed after male children)

# 5 Stephen and Catherine MacDonald Arisaig fisherman

# 6 George and Mary MacDonald Arisaig

# 8 John and Sarah (Gillis) MacDonald Arisaig

# 9 Donald MacDonald McAra’s Brook

# 9 Angus and Catherine MacDonald McAra’s Brook fisherman

# 10 Donald and Isabella (MacGillivray) Smith Arisaig/Moidart

# 10 Mary (MacDonald) Smith Arisaig

# 11 Hugh MacAdam Moidart

# 12 Peter and Margaret (MacDonald) MacAdam Knoydart

# 13 Donald and Mary MacAdam McAra’s Brook

# 14 Alexander and Mary (Gillis) MacAdam Moidart

# 15 Angus and Elizabeth “Betsy” MacDonald Moidart

# 16 Joseph and Isabella MacDonald Moidart

# 17 Donald and Catherine (MacLean) MacPherson Moidart

# 19 John and Margaret (MacAdam) MacDonald Moidart blacksmith

# 21 Dougald MacDonald s/o Angus and Catherine MacDonald Moidart

# 22 Donald and Catherine (MacLean) MacPherson Moidart

# 22 Alexander and Ann (MacDonald) MacPherson Moidart

# 23 Duncan and Mary MacPherson Moidart MacAra’s Brook Probate file A-805

# 26 Donald MacDonald MacAra’s Brook Probate file A-821

# 27 Hugh and Ann “Nancy” (MacDonald) MacPherson Moidart/Summerville joiner

# 28 Hugh and Mary (MacDonald) MacEachern Gusset

# 29 Mary MacDonald widow of Alexander Gusset/Arisaig

# 32 Alexander and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald McAras Brook/Knoydart

# 33 Alexander and Mary (Grant) MacDonald McAra’s Brook/Knoydart

# 35 John and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald Knoydart

# 37 Donald and Ann (MacGillivray) MacDonald McAra’s Brook

# 38 Sarah MacLeod widow of John MacLeod Knoydart

# 41 Angus MacDonald Knoydart

# 42 John and Mary (MacEachern) MacDonald Knoydart

# 43 Donald and Isabella (MacDonald) MacDonald Knoydart

# 44 John MacDonald Knoydart

# 46 Martin and Mary (MacNeil) MacDonald Knoydart/Summerville

# 51 John “Og” and Mary MacIsaac Eigg Mountain

# 53 William and Ann (MacIntyre) MacKinnon Back Settlement Knoydart/Summerville

# 54 John and Mary (MacKinnon) MacGillivray Summerville/Dunmaglass

# 56 Donald and Mary (MacDonald) MacDonald Back Settlement Knoydart/Summerville

# 57 Peter and Effy (MacLellan) Gillis Back Settlement

# 59 Alexander and Catherine (MacDougall) Gillis Back Settlement Arisaig

# 60 Angus and Elizabeth “Betsy” (MacDonald) Gillis Eigg Mountain

# 61 Lauchlin and Mary Gillis Eigg Mountain

# 65 John and Sarah (Gillis) MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 66 Angus and Catherine (Gillis) MacDonald Maple Ridge/Eigg Mt/Back Settlement

# 67 Alexander and Margaret (MacDonald) Fraser Back Settlement of Arisaig/Eigg Mt

# 69 Donald and Mary Fraser Eigg Mountain

# 70 John and Catherine (MacDonald) Smith Eigg Mountain

# 71 John and Mary (MacPherson) MacIsaac Eigg Mountain

# 73 Malcolm and Ann (MacNeil) Fraser Eigg Mountain

# 74 Lauchlin and Ann MacEachern Big Mountain

# 76 Allan and Margaret (MacDonald) MacEachern Eigg Mountain

# 80 Archibald and Mary/Marjory MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 82 Angus and Effy Fraser Eigg Mountain

# 84 John A and Mary MacGillivray Summerville/Back Settlement Knoydart

# 86 Michael and Mary/Ann (Gillis) MacGillivray Summerville

# 92 Neil and Margaret (MacDonald) MacPherson Summerville

# 93 Donald and Mary (MacAdam) MacEachern Summerville/Gusset

# 94 John and Mary (Smith) MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 95 Ronald and Catherine (Fraser) MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 97 Donald and Margaret (MacGillivray) MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 100 James and Nancy (MacGillivray) Chisholm Summerville

# 102 Alexander and Margaret (MacGillivray) Chisholm Brown’s Mt tanner

# 103 Angus and Ann (MacDonald) MacEachern Gusset/Brown’s Mt/BS Knoydart

# 104 Allan and Sarah (MacDonald) MacDonald Eigg Mountain

# 105 Colin and Isabella (MacDonald) MacDonald Big Mountain

# 106 Ronald and Isabella (MacEachern) MacDonald Brown’s Mountain

# 107 Edward and Ann (MacEachern) Bigley Eigg Mountain

# 108 Patrick and Mary (Salenger) Bigley Brown’s Mountain

# 110 Patrick and Mary (MacGillivray) Hasey Brown’s Mountain tanner

# 111 James and Margaret (Thompson) Bigley Brown’s Mountain

# 112 William MacGillivray Rear Settlement Moidart Probate File A-984








Families who have moved from the Arisaig census district by 1871.


John and Mary MacPherson Big Mountain living there in 1861

John and Margaret (MacDonald) MacEachern Big Mt living there in 1861

Duncan and Ann (MacDonald) MacKenzie Doctor’s Brook living there in 1862

Angus and Isabella (Fraser) MacDonald Mountain living there in 1862

James and Margaret (MacDonald) MacDonald Mountain living there in 1862 and 1867

Allan and Catherine (MacAdam) Smith Moidart living there in 1862 and had moved to Morristown district by 1871.

Joseph and Ann (MacDonald) Baxter Pleasant Valley living there in 1869

John and Sarah MacDonald Malignant Brook living there in 1870 miner moved to Sherbrook

Francis and Catherine (MacGillivray) Conners living on Mountain in 1870 and had moved to Antigonish district by 1871.

William and Mary (MacDonald) MacLean Brown’s Mountain living there in early 1871

John and Margaret (MacLellan) MacDonald Summerville living there in 1869

Roderick and Margaret (Chisholm) Grant Malignant Brook shoemaker living there in 1868 and had moved to Cape George district by 1871.

Alexander and Elizabeth MacDonald Malignant Brook merchant living there in 1868

Alexander and Flora (Gillis) MacPherson carpenter Pleasant Valley living there in 1868

Donald and Christy (Smith) MacGillivray Summerville living there in 1868 and had moved to Gulf Shore, Pictou County district by 1871.

Hugh and Christy MacDonald Malignant Brook living there in 1868

Donald and Mary (Gillis) MacIsaac shoemaker Mountain living there in 1867

*Marriage record for Margaret “Maggie” MacPherson born Brown’s Mountain 1846 d/o Alexander MacPherson labourer married John Smith born 1838 s/o Duncan and Mary Ann Smith married October 27, 1870 at Lismore – she was living at Brown’s Mountain in 1870 but so far no census record of her father. Margaret and John (MacPherson) Smith were living at West River in 1871 - # 220 Division 2 Antigonish district.