Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

 MacLellan_Archibald– (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Very little is known about Archibald MacLellan – in MacLean Vol.1 page 113 SA said that he “came out from Eigg and settled on the mountain about 1825”.

He married Catherine MacIsaac who was born about 1791 in Scotland. They had at least 4 children – Angus, Ronald, Donald and Catherine.

In the 1838 census there was an Archibald MacLellan in Arisaig township with 4 children and 60 acres in production, 90 acres undeveloped with 14 cattle, a horse, 15 sheep and 5 pigs.

He was not listed in the 1861 census – his wife Catherine was listed so he died before 1861.

He left no will.