Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

Land Tenure (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Probate file: John MacGillivray (Hugh's son) Summerville now Dunmaglass died June 27, 1872.


John bequeathed land as described to his son Charles.  I have chosen this lot because it is close to 80 acres (74 acres) and there is a C. MacGillivray on it on the Church map.  The surrounding names do not fit well: e.g. there is a Hugh MacGillivray but his lands are to the south, not the east.  Also there is a lot between this lot and the first line of shore lots.

“First 80 acres to son Charles who was recently married to Elizabeth - bounded towards the north by the rear line of division of lands fronting on the shore so called towards the east by lands of Hugh MacGillivray towards the south by lands of Lachlan McDonald and towards the west by lands of John McGillivray Esquire.”


The will bequeaths the following lot.  It should be to the west of the above, but there is no 20 acre lot to the west.

“Second 20 acres to son Angus (complicated agreement where he holds title until brother Charles pays him $120 dollars) - bounded towards the north by the rear line of shore lots aforesaid toward the east by my farm lot of land above described toward the south by lands of Hugh McGillivray aforesaid and towards the west by lands of William McKinnon.”