Bantjes, Rod, “GP_Fennell_T.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 14 August 2015 (


(Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


1817 the petition of Thomas Fennell of Antigonish mariner... petitioner was born and brought up in Ireland has been eight years in this province is a faithful and loyal subject and firmly attached to be British government and is ever ready to exercise his loyalty is of the age of 26 years or thereabouts and has a wife your petitioner further and herewith never has applied for or received from the Crown any land by grand or otherwise but is very desirous of some for the purpose of settling and cultivating in the county of Sydney having several friends living there and also not applying for grant of land for the purpose of bartering or selling the same and having no such ideas being active and able to farm land may it therefore please your Excellency ...Thomas Fennell signed in his own hand.


John Tobin and Thomas Fennell granted land five hundred acres together in 1817... [no actual petition from Tobin]