Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

W_A-425 – (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)



Probate file from 1870 for Hugh MacEachern  living at "Summerville, Gulf Shore" - Hugh was the son of John and Rankin says he died "early". He wrote the will on March 18, 1867 and it was "proved approved and registered (only)" on April 11, 1870. He left half of his personal property to sister Sarah and the other half to his nieces both named Catherine - the daughters of his sister Mary married to Duncan Thompson.


“First I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved sister Sarah McEachern one half of my personal property comprising stock, household furniture, farming utensils and also the clock and waggon also the mare…”


His real estate was described as "north of the Gusset Road" and he gave half to his brother Angus and the other half to his sister Sarah and his nieces if they lived a “simple life” – did not get married. If Sarah and the nieces married or died then the land went to the sons of Hugh’s brothers – Donald and Angus.


If there were problems with carrying out the wished in the will Hugh appointed two arbitrators to settle matters – Angus MacGillivray son of Angus Captain’s son and Donald MacEachern.


Hugh died without appointing an executor so his brother Donald petitioned the probate court to fulfill that function. Judge approved the request.


Probate file for Hugh stated that brother Donald lived at "Summerville back settlement Gulf".


The witnesses were Alexander H. MacGillivray and John MacGillivray. Hugh could not write so made his mark on his will.