Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

Will_Gillis_Allan(Pleasant Valley)– (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Allan Gillis was born 1802 and died May 29, 1872. His will was never admitted to probate until 1900 when his son Charles’s widow Ann dealt with it.

Allan Gillis spelled is name “Gillies” in his will and his probate file is A-1144.


“I give and bequeath to my son Charles Gillies that portion of my lands which I have retained for myself…with all my stock and moveable effects, farming utensils and such crop or crops as may be found on the premises at the hour of my death.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Christina fifty acres of land in the rear of my former lands bounded east side by my son John Gillies, on the south by the lands of Alexander MacPherson, on the west by the lands of Charles Gillies on the north by lands owned by MacDonald Lewis.

…if my son Angus does not recover his health so as to be able to support himself that he shall make his home with my son Charles”.


The executors were Donald MacDonald, Cape George and John MacDonald.