Bantjes, Rod, “Document name.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 29 March 2024

Will_MacGillivray_Angus (Vamy)– (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Angus MacGillivray (Vamy) of Back Settlement Knoydart wrote his will in April, 1831. His probate file is A-35 and can be found at in Antigonish estate files 1819-1837 starting on page 297/565.


“…to my wife Ann I leave unto her the two hundred acres of land whereun the clearing is together with the house and barn…to have…during her life. One hundred acres to be at her own disposal at her death and the other to be given (or the value thereof) to the clergy for the benefit of our departed souls…and beside the land I give her the red cow…three years old and all the sheep and what pigs (are) running around the house and all the pigs that are fat.

…and if my son Alexander comes to his proper senses and comes and gives good and proper security to work for my wife that he will have her hundred acres after her death.

…unto son William two hundred acres of my land adjoining unto my wife’s land if that he comes and lives upon the land and if he will not live on it…to be sold and shared equally between William and John and Donald.

…and the other one hundred acres of land I leave unto my two daughters Serra and Peggy.”


The witnesses are Andrew MacGillivray, Angus MacGillivray and Henry McCourt. Both Angus MacGillivray and Henry McCourt signed their names instead of making a mark – a sign they had some education. Donald MacGillivray, house carpenter and Alexander MacGillivray, farmer, Angus MacGillivray of Upper South River, farmer and Donald MacLellan Junior of West River, farmer are also named in the will as subscribers to a bond of two hundred pounds to be posted while the will was in probate.

I believe Andrew and Angus are sons of Donald the progenitor of the Dunmaglass MacGillivrays – see page 276 Rankin.


There was an inventory: April 30, 1832

Moveable property

One cow 3

2       “ 5

3 sheep 1  10

1 hog    10

Farming implements 4   15

Household furniture 3   10

Bed clothes 3

Auger/snowshoes/? 7

1 Gun/spinning wheel 2   10

Sold by Widow MacGillivray total 24   2

1 horse/two head of cattle for which she gives satisfaction  34   15


Inventory prepared by Henry McCourt, Hugh MacGillivray (Andrew’s son) and Angus MacGillivray (William’s son).