Bantjes, Rod, “BLDW60_524,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 8 August 2015 (


Lame Angus MacNeil


Charlie Teasdale and Bernie MacIsaac dispute the identity of the occupant of this house site.  Bernie originally thought it was Donald Brown.  My original account was as follows:

Name and position indicated by Archibald (Bernie) MacIsaac on his 1952 topographic map (July 7, 2006, Cape George).  I have moved the location to the west to better approximate the 1883 Geological Survey Map location.  However the Church map has a D. Brown which is probably further west closer to where Bernie put him.  This site could be the Church’s “M. MacDonald.”

Bernie reports that the site was heavily wooded since 1945 so the fields probably started growing to woods at least by 1900.


We found it late in the day in heavy rain so took no more than a GPS reading.


Greendale, 19 November, 2008