Bantjes, Rod, “MacDougall_J_A,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 8 August 2015 (


John A MacDougall


This is a house site on the Horseshoe Turn on the original shore road near Georgeville.  It belonged to John A MacDougall.  The brook nearby was known as John A’s Brook until the surveyors for the first topographical map (1952) came by recording names and somehow accepted “Horseshoe Turn Brook” (more unique perhaps) instead.  John A had a brother Duncan.  Duncan had two sons and a daughter who walked away and simply abandoned the property in the early 30s when their father died.  (This story was, I think, meant to refer to this property, so either the brother took over the farm from John A or the children were actually John A’s.)


The cellar is “C” shaped with a large, well preserved stone fireplace in the centre.  We did not take the time to measure it, but the following is a series of photos.



The following pictures are of the hearth showing the finely dressed stone.




Interview Archibald (Bernie) MacIsaac, July 7, 2006, May 20, 2008, Georgeville.