Bantjes, Rod, “Mill_Water,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 8 August 2015 (


Water Mill


There was a functioning water powered sawmill here until it burned down in the early 1970s.  It was built and owned by Peter Breen who was a consultant on the construction of the sawmill at Sherbrooke Village.


The property map shows an un-owned oval shape at this spot which may have indicated the extent of the holding pond.


The following photo is either part of the foundation of the mill or part of the dam for the holding pond (September 13, 2008)


Wooden structure at the base of the wheel (I believe Charlie said it was an undershot wheel).  This is on the southwest side of the stream.

Remains of the side of the structure that housed the wheel.


Old gear on the southwest side of the stream.


Remains of the dam on the northeast side of the stream.


Remains of the wooden structure on the northeast side.


Stone structure on the northeast side.

Shaft on the northeast side.


View of the water from the northeast side.

Beam end on the northeast side.  Note that it is cut with a circular saw.


Steel embedded in concrete, apparently used as reinforcing.  A chrome bumper is embedded on the other side.  So this rebuild of the dam was probably in the mid 20th century(?).  Charlie says the mill was washed out or burned two or three times in its history.


Merland, Antigonish Co., September 13, 2008.