Bantjes, Rod, “Burke_Edmund.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 14 August 2015 (


Burke, Rev. Edmund  (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Revered Burke had a 300-acre land grant on the road up Maple Ridge from Pleasant Valley.  However, according to the History of Antigonish, his connection to the area seems tenuous.  On the fifth of July 1818, “…the Rev. Edmund Burke, who had for some years been pastor of the Roman Catholic Church in Halifax, and also acted as vicar general in Nova Scotia of the Bishop of Québec, was concentrated in Québec as bishop Sion and vicar apostolic of Nova Scotia...”.  “[after Bishop Plessis of Québec, 1812] the next bishop who visited Arisaig was the newly consecrated Dr. Burke who came here in the fall of 1818.  In an old parish register there is an entry and the date that year written in a bold, business hand, and signed Edmund Burke, Bishop Sion.  This is the entry: “the wardens chosen for the present year, Donald McKintosh, John Grant, Donald McIsaac, Alexander MacLean, approved.” (MacLean, et al., 50)


Reference List


MacLean, R. A, et al. History of Antigonish. Antigonish, N.S: Casket Printing & Publishing Co, 1976.