Bantjes, Rod, “D_502505210.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 14 August 2015 (


Tax sale 502505210 - Book 84 page 78, 1937 (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)


Lot number 4 situated at Maple Ridge

bounded on the north by lands of Donald MacDonald

…on the south by lands of Pat Delaney

…on the east by lands of Rod MacIsaac to

…on the west by lands in the Angus M. Fraser [makes no sense, he should be to the east –check again?]

…containing 200 acres more or less being lands of Angus Fraser


Lot number 10 situated at Maple Ridge

…bounded on the north by lands of Donald MacIsaac

…on the south by lands of Angus Fraser

…on the east by lands of Dan Fraser

…on the west by lands of Donald MacDonald

…containing 150 acres more or less being lands assessed to the estate of Rod MacIsaac


Lot number 13 situated at Maple Ridge

…bounded on the north by lands of Ronald McDonald

…in the south by lands of Rod MacIsaac

…on the east by lands of Lewis Macdonald

…on the west by lands of Ronald McDonald

…containing 100 acres more or less being lands assessed to Dan Fraser


Lot number 20 situated at Maple Ridge

…bounded on the north by lands of James Sullivan and lands of Angus MacDougall

…on the south by lands of the Heirs of Dan Fraser

…on the east by lands of Angus Smith

…on the west by lands of  Colin J. McDonald and lands of George MacDonald

…containing 50 acres more or less being lands assessed to Alex Fraser


Lot number 22 situated at Pleasant Valley

…bounded on the north by lands of Ronald Smith

…in the south by lands of Alan McMillan

…on the east by lands of Angus McQuarrie

…in the west by lands of Robert Power

…containing 100 acres more or less being lands assessed to Archie McClellan


June 25, 1937