Putting Your Bookmarks on the WEB

I Simple One page

  1. Save your bookmarks As: bookmarks.html to your w drive
  2. In Composer, Open à Open Page à Browse for bookmarks.html on your w drive à Open
  3. Save as bookmarks.html right back to your w drive.
  4. Make Changes and add formatting to your page ---> Spell check -->Save ---> Preview --> see if Links work.
  5. Format Page improving its appearance in any way you like – adding clipart etc. (Remember any images must also be transported to the w  drive– also save  all of your own images on a separate diskette labeled Clipart. Make a backup of bookmarks.html on a diskette
  6. Once you have the page ready to publish save it and any images to your w drive
  7. As you add and improve your bookmarks you will want  to update and add new bookmarks to your published page:
  8. You will have to add any new bookmarks individually to the new bookmarks page - that way you will not be confused as to what is old and new.

II One Page With Index At Top Of Page

  1. Save your bookmarks As: bookmarks.html to your w drive
  2. In Composer, Open à Open Page à Browse for bookmarks.html on your w drive à Open
  3. Save as bookmarks.html right back to your w drive.
  4. Insert a table at the top of the page with as many rows and columns as you need to have for all of your folders. See my bookmarks page as an example. Type the names of your folders in each cell.
  5. For each Folder name in the table you must create the corresponding target where the actual bookmarks are located on the page and then
  6. Insert links between the Folder names in the table and their targets on the page with the Insert link option
  7. To create targets: Highlight the major folder you wish to target àInsert à Target à type in the name of target à OKà a little icon appears to the left of the targeted folder.à repeat this for all folders you wish to target. (For example you may have a target icon in front of the math, English, or science folders.)
  8. To Link the table to the targets: Highlight the first folder name in the table àinsert à link àselect from the corresponding list of target names àOk à repeat this for all of the folder names in the table.
  9. Create a target called TOP to the left of the titleà Select the first word of the title à Insert Target (so that you can can always return from further down on the pageà type To Top at the bottom of each folder section in the body of the document à insert the Top target as a link on all of these TO TOP words. (Or you can make an up arrow image the target)
  10. As you add and improve your bookmarks you will want  to update and add new bookmarks to your published page:
  11. You will have to add any new bookmarks individually to the new bookmarks page - that way you will not be confused as to what is old and new.
III One Page with Index at Top of Page including links to other pages
  1. Follow the same steps 1-11 if you wish to have targets within the first page.
  2. If you want separate pages for certain bookmarks, à Select the folder name à Insert à Linkà give the name of the URL of the page you are targeting.

* If you don’t have Composer available in your school, Go to TUCOWS or ZDNet and download an HTML Editor that is freeware and can be transported on a diskette (less than 1.4mb compressed)
You can also download a free version of Netscape Communicator 4.72 . You can then install this on your home computer.