ANTH 303 Anthropological Theory Fall 2019
I acknowledge that St FX is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People.

Note: Gerald Gloade talk on Mi’kmaw astronomy, yesterday, Tuesday November 19, 7 pm, Schwartz 156
Be  prepared to discuss this talk along with the article by de la Cadena et al.

Nov. 20: Challenging Western theory. READ: De la Cadena, Marisol, et al. 2015. “Anthropology and STS: Generative interfaces, multiple locations.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 5(1):  437-475. Graze through these discussions to see how the authors propose new ways of studying science and technology.

- the ontological turn
    - versus epistemology or semiotics/semiology
    - worlding
- how to understand science? Does science exist? Are nature and culture connected by being opposites? Why should we privilege Western ways of knowing?
- who has an ontology? Does this essentialize groups of people?
- taking alterity seriously (e.g. Swanson)
- should there be a plot? (E.g. Lea)
- doing difference together (Blaser)
- earth-beings (de la Cadena)
