ANTH 303 Anthropological Theory Fall 2019
I acknowledge that St FX is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People.

Nov. 27: ESSAY DUE. Return to dark and good anthropology. READ Knauft, Bruce. 2019. “Good anthropology in dark times: Critical appraisal and ethnographic application.” The Australian Journal of Anthropology 30(1): 3-17.

- apply O’Hare’s current Marxist concepts to your anthropological question

- reminder of what dark anthropology and anthropology of the good are
- what is the “savage slot”?
- followed by the “suffering slot”?
- from grand meta-theory to concept?
- Knauft argues that it is important to look at “the relationship between politico-economic structured inequality and attemptes to assert positive meaning and purpose” (2019, 3).
- what did Ortner argue?
- case of Senator Lynn Beyak:
- what kinds of theory do you think are important? How can we categorize the theories we have studied?

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