I acknowledge that St FX is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People.
Oct. 22 - 24 New donors
    READ: Buckley, Lila (2013)  Chinese Land-Based Interventions in Senegal: Understanding political positioning: Actor-oriented strategies. Development and Change 44(2): 29–450.

    Shankland, Alex and Euclides Gonçalves (2016) Imagining Agricultural Development in South–South Cooperation: The Contestation and Transformation of ProSAVANA. World Development 81: 35-46.

Oct. 22: finish discussion of Garmany and new state role in development
- take up midterm
- reminder of proposal due Wednesday

Does it matter who, that is what country, offers development assistance?/Does it matter who studies it?
- who are “old” and “new” donors, and what are the different implications of each type of assistance?
- is one better than the other?

- what is an “actor network” theoretical framework? What does she focus on?
- what is a “land grab” and why is it important?
    - why is China (or Europe, or Brazil, etc.) interested in agricultural land in other countries?
- how does Chinese international assistance manifest in specific projects?
    - politics
        - why can Taiwan no longer be involved?
        - what goes into policies, who makes them, who implements them, can they work? (Mosse)
    - economics
        - what are the economic factors in this project?
    - technology and technocratic solutions
        - what does the Chinese project focus on?
    - socio/cultural elements
        - how do the different actors perceive the situation? How do they interact?

Shankland and Gonçalves
- what is their theoretical framework? What is a “social imaginary”?
- case study: ProSAVANA, a trilateral development cooperation project among Brazil, Mozambique and Japan
- in what ways is South-South cooperation based on similarity? Why is this claim important? Is it true?
- what is the original plan for the ProSAVANA project? What is the imaginary of this project?
- why do pro-peasant groups oppose it? What is the imaginary they mobilize in their resistance?
    - Face Oculta do ProSAVANA:
- how did the resistance succeed and fail? What are the dangers of the imaginary it mobilized?