Taylor J. Smith

Photo of Taylor

I am recruiting graduate students! If you have an interest in theoretical computer science and would like to work with me on a research project, please visit the FLAReLab website.

Hello world! I am a theoretical computer scientist, assistant professor, and Alley Heaps Associate in the Department of Computer Science at St. Francis Xavier University.

I am also the director of FLAReLab, the university’s Formal Languages and Automata Research Lab.

If you like, you can learn more about me or read my curriculum vitæ (CV).


My primary research interests include formal languages and automata theory (particularly in two dimensions), combinatorics on words (particularly in two dimensions), and computability and complexity theory. I have secondary interests in analysis of algorithms and coding theory.

For more about my research, see my list of publications and my list of presentations and seminars.


I am not teaching any courses until the Fall 2024 term.

For more about my teaching, visit my past course websites.


Below is a selection of recent media appearances featuring me, my students, and our work.

I am available to speak to the media as a subject matter expert on stories relating to theoretical computer science, algorithms, and connections between mathematics and computer science.



Department of Computer Science
St. Francis Xavier University
2323 Notre Dame Ave.
Antigonish, NS  B2G 2W5


Annex, Room 9A


(902) 867-3891


tjsmith at stfx dot ca

