The cell culture facility allows growth of mammalian and other animal cells in sterile conditions. The facility is used by microbiologist Lori Graham and by physiologist Bill Marshall and is in a level 2 biocontainment laboratory

This dual station Olympus FV300 Olympus confocal scanning laser microscope is a new installation (Sept. 2000). The confocal microscope gives superior images and can be used in modern immunocytochemistry and
many other applications with living and fixed tissues. The facility was funded in part by St.F.X., ACOA and Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Regina Cozzi ,here, is demonstrating its use in localizing ion channel
protein expression in fish salt transporting cells. 

Dr. Marshall’s research laboratory is licensed for radioisotope use and here Regina is preparing a molecular biological experiment in the designated RNase-free zone in the lab.

Laboratory facilities for patch clamp experiments on ion channel
proteins allow us to see how salt transport is regulated in vertebrate
cells. Dr. Marshall’s research involves study of the anion channel
“Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator” (CFTR) which in
humans is responsible for cystic fibrosis and in fish allows them to
adapt to living in sea water.

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