
Using the Clipboard

You can use the clipboard to transfer part or all of the information within an active document window between applications on the same computer or a networked computer. Use the standard "Copy-and-Paste" or "Cut-and-Paste" tools to transfer information to any application that supports these tools. The information is transferred as a ChemDraw drawing object. Double-clicking on it will open ChemDraw and allow you to edit the object. See "Edit Graphic Object (Macintosh)" for more information on editing ChemDraw objects embedded in other documents.

If the Clipboard contains ChemDraw structures and you are pasting into another ChemDraw document, the pasted information is scaled to the settings in the current document. For more information, see "Autoscaling".

If you are pasting the ChemDraw drawing into a document from which you are planning to print to a PostScript printer, see"Transferring PostScript (Macintosh)".

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