
Optimize Pictures for High-Resolution Non-PostScript Printing

The Macintosh High Resolution Clipboard supports high-resolution printers. Most applications support the High Resolution Clipboard. Because this was not always the case in the past, this preference continues to be available for users to turn off if an application being used does not support the High Resolution Clipboard.

If you are unsure if the application uses a High Resolution Clipboard, try transferring pictures with this check box selected and deselected, and see which picture prints with higher quality.

If you are printing to a non-PostScript printer, deselect Include ChemDraw LaserPrep and Include PostScript to reduce the size of each picture. Do not deselect this option if the document will ever be printed to a PostScript printer.

Printers that use the PostScript page definition language use the PostScript representation. The PostScript representation describes objects by using mathematical shapes that can be precisely imaged at whatever resolution is used by your printer. The PostScript representation created by ChemDraw is composed of two parts, the PostScript commands and the ChemDraw Laser Prep. The ChemDraw Laser Prep contains specific instructions that enable the printer to interpret the PostScript commands contained in a ChemDraw document.

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