
Periodic Table

The Periodic Table window displays a floating periodic table. It can be used both for reference and to insert elements into structures.

Click an element symbol to highlight the element and activate the Text tool. Drag across the table to highlight each element in turn. Click the button to show or hide the detailed information.

After selecting an element, click in the document to add an atom label consisting of that element and the appropriate number of hydrogens. Labeling behavior is as follows:

click on...
an existing unlabeled atom
label the atom
an existing labeled atom
cycle the hydrogen count (if it matches the selected element) or change the label
an empty space
create a new atom

Double-clicking on an existing atom will open it for editing without changing the label.

NOTE: Some element names conflict with ChemDraw Hotkeys, and may not be interpreted correctly by Chemical Warnings or Check Structure. For more information and troubleshooting see "Defining Nicknames".

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