
Adding Chemical Names

In ChemDraw Ultra only, you can insert the name of a selected structure as a caption using the Convert Structure to Name command from the Structure menu.

The Struct=Name algorithm used in ChemDraw 8.0 is a new proprietary naming algorithm developed by CambridgeSoft. It replaces Beilstein's AutoNom algorithm used in earlier versions of ChemDraw.

The conversion of a structure to a name is limited by many factors. Specifically, Struct=Name makes little or no attempt to name the following:

Another limitation is that the set of heavy atoms for an organic component is confined to: Hg, B, C, N, O, F, Si, P, S, Cl, Ge, As, Se, Br, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Pb, Bi, and At.

Struct=Name generates names with proper CIP stereochemistry descriptors. It has no theoretical limits to the size of the structures that can be named.

To insert the name of a structure into your drawing:
1. Select the drawing for which you want to insert a name.
2. From the Structure menu, choose Convert Structure to Name.
The name of the structure appears as a caption under your drawing.

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