
Viewing Analysis Information

The Analysis window displays the chemical formula, exact mass, molecular weight, m/e, and elemental analysis for the entire document, a structure, part of a structure, or a caption in Formula style.

To view analysis information:
The Analysis window appears.

Values for selected objects in the document window are shown. If nothing is selected in your document, values for the entire document are shown.

You can have this window open as you draw in the document. It shows the current values as you draw.

The Decimals setting applies to Exact Mass, Molecular Weight, and m/e only.

The following table describes the analysis properties.

The molecular formula showing the exact number of atoms of each element in the molecule and charges, radicals, and isotopes.
Exact Mass
The exact molecular mass of the structure, where atomic masses of each atom are based on the most common isotope for the element.
Molecular Weight
The average molecular mass of the structure, where atomic masses are based on the natural abundance of all isotopes of the element.
Mass/charge, where charge =1. The weights of the most common isotopes and a graphical representation of the isotopic abundance is shown.
The molecular weight shown takes the isotopes for each atom and their natural abundance into account. Where there is more than one abundant isotope, ChemDraw computes multiple molecular weights. Low abundance combinations (whether because the isotope is in low abundance or because it includes many moderate-abundance contributions) are not taken into account.
NOTE: You cannot paste the graph in a document.
Elemental Analysis
The percent by weight of each element in the structure.

To paste information about a structure as a caption:
1. Click the check boxes for the information that you want to paste.
2. Click Paste.

The information appears as a multiline caption below the structure. You can edit this information with the text tool.

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