Philosophy 230/1/2 : Philosophy of Human Nature / Love and Friendship
Dr. Douglas Al-Maini

Is there such a thing as human nature?  Is it given prior to our actions and choices, or made by us?  How are we to understand ourselves and our relation to nature and the divine?   Is there a larger order of which we are a part and to which we must attune ourselves, or are we free to master and possess nature? This course will examine philosophical answers to these questions, beginning with theories and arguments from ancient Greece, and ending with those of selected contemporary philosophers. Emphasis will be placed on grasping the arguments expressed in the assigned readings, stating them clearly and concisely, and evaluating them critically. Six credits.

Fall 2018 - C4/5/6 block

Course outline (pdf)

The Logic of Essays (pdf)
Argument Outline (pdf)
Stoicism Readings (pdf)

Lysis (pdf)
Symposium (pdf)

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