
St. Francis Xavier University

Current students (Summer 2024)

Maxwell MacNeil

Summer Research Student
Research Project: Cosmic Muons: Detector development and calibration, Data acquisition and analysis
Current position: Fourth year Engineering and Physics student at StFX

Audrey Yang

Summer Research Student (volunteer)
Research Project: Cosmic Muons: Detector development and calibration, Data acquisition and analysis
Current position: Second year Bachelor of Science student at the University of British Columbia (UBC)

Evan Hunt

Summer Research Student
Research Project: Boost vector and energy corrections of assymetric Belle II detector
Current position: Bachelor student at StFX

Graduated students

Evan Hunt

Honours student
Honours Project: Accounting for the Asymmetry: Boost Vector Measurement in Experiment 26 Data Sets by Belle II Detector. Thesis
Current position: Computer Science Department, StFX

Matthew Penner

Honours student
Honours Project: Cosmic Muons and the Theory of Special Relativity. Thesis
Summer 2021 and 2022 Projects: Muon Physics, Coding, Belle II Experiment
Awarded NSERC USRA and Yogi Joshi Prize
Current position: Graduate student (M.Sc.) on Experimental Particle Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Roman Fisher

Advanced Major student
Advanced Major Project:Revealing Particles Around Us: The Use and Construction of a Cloud Chamber. Thesis
Summer 2021 and 2022 Projects: Detector, Forward-Backward Asymmetry, Belle II Experiment
Current position: Graduate student (M.Sc.) on Medical Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Noah Tessema

L: Partick and R: Noah
Advanced Major with Honours thesis student
April 2019 - April 2021 (graduated)
Project: Boost Vector Measurement in Asymmetric Energy Collisions of the Belle-II Detector.
Awarded Wallbank-Weingartshofer Prize (departmental)
Current position: Graduate student (M.Sc.) at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada

Patrick O'Brien

Honours student
April 2018 - April 2019 (graduated)
Project: Measurement of the Upsilon 2S Resonance Mass with the BABAR experiment
Awarded Gold Prize in Student Research Day presentation at StFX
Current position: Graduate student (Ph.D.) at the University of Alberta, AB, Canada

Jazan University

  • 2016 - 2017: Mohammed Waly, Khalid Mohammed Koriri, and Hussain Alwani: Study of a Particle Physics Detector (Honours thesis).
  • 2015 - 2016: Amin Ahmad Amin, Fahd Mohmmed Almahnshi, and Khaled Yahya Aqeli: Study of Black Holes - it's formation, evolution and fate (Honours thesis).
  • 2014 - 2015: Ahmed Mosa Ayashi and Basem Ibrahim Kariri: Study of the electromagnetic calorimeter with the BABAR detector (Honours thesis).
  • 2013 - 2014: Khalid Jebril Alabdali, Mohanad Saleh Babgi, and Hitham Asere: Study of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter in Particle Physics Experiment (Honours thesis).