Secondary Mathematics

Reading Schedule

This is a tentative outline for the course. There may be changes throughout the year. Watch for readings to be posted as they become available.




Jan. 13

Sharing Practicum Experiences

Reviewing assignments for this term.

Math Problems!

Stacking Squares Activity

Jan. 19

Classroom Discourse

Herbel-Eisenmann, B. & Breyfogle, M. (2005). Questioning our patterns of questioning.  Mathematics teaching in the middle school, 10(9), 484-489.

Section 2: Math 10 Plus A Teaching Resource

Jan. 21

Creating a Community of Mathematical Inquiry

Boaler, J. (2006). "Opening Our Ideas": How a detracked mathematics approach promoted respect, responsibility, and high achievement. Theory into practice, 45(1)

Dubeil, M. (2007) Math is hard... For the learning of mathematics 

Jan. 26

Circle Geometry - The Orchard Hideout



Jan. 28

Exploring trig identities

Useful Links:

Trig Applets

More Math Applets

Investigation Ideas Links:

Peter Taylor's Page


Feb. 2


Feb. 4


Feb. 9


Feb. 11


Feb. 16


Feb. 18

Fraction Tasks

Exploraing fractions activity

Number cards and Number line

In Between task


Feb. 23


Feb. 25


Mar. 2


Mar. 4


Mar. 9