Bantjes, Rod, “MacPherson_Donald.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 14 August 2015 (


McPherson, Donald (Dan) (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)  (Map Location)


This site is west of the Main Road, west of the two radio towers.  The first occupant of the house at this site was a Gillis.  D. MacPherson is indicated on the Church map (1878).  Donald (Dan) McPherson’s widow lived at the site ½ mile from waypoint 006 until 1912. Their children were Dan and Mary (apparently neither stayed to farm the land). (Kenton and Charlie Teasdale, Eigg Mountain, October 16, 2004)


As for the tentative location, we are assuming that the farm site was in an area of white spruce re-growth evident on 1945 aerial photographs.  Charlie and I searched the site on November 15, 2005 and found an old road and some rock piles, but no house.  We did find a house site later (December 9, 2005) but the location (see woods foundation) does not quite fit being in a hardwood stand and outside the area indicated on Plan B-11-1 for the MacPherson land.  We searched again on May 2, 2007 and established a likely route for the drive in from the main road.  The current location of the house is a guess, but one that “feels right” from the ground – a knoll on the south sloping field.  There has been a bulldozer active here in the past and the hypothesis is that the foundation is filled in.