
Tutorial 2: Drawing an Intermediate

In this tutorial you will draw the following intermediate structure starting from a ring and then add arrows with customized shapes using the Pen tool.

Create a new ChemDraw document:
1. From the File menu, choose New Document.
2. From the File menu, choose Save As.
3. Type tut2.cdx in the appropriate text box.
4. Select a folder in which to save the file.
5. Click Save.
Draw a ring:
1. Click the Cyclohexane Ring tool .
2. Point in the document window. The Cyclohexane cursor appears.
3. Click to add a ring.
Delete an atom and its bonds from the ring:
1. Click the Eraser tool .
2. Point to the atom shown below.
3. Click the atom.
NOTE: You can delete a bond individually by pointing at the center of the bond and clicking.
You can also drag the eraser to make multiple deletions.
Add a bond:
1. Click the Solid Bond tool .
2. Point to the atom shown below.
3. Click to add a bond.
Add second and third bonds:
1. Point to the atom shown below and click to add another bond.
2. Add a third bond by dragging to make sure it has the desired orientation:
a. Continue pointing to C4.
b. Hold the mouse button and drag diagonally upward toward the right.
c. When the bond is oriented, release the mouse button to deposit the bond.
Create a double bond:
1. Point to the atom shown below.
2. Drag diagonally downward over the existing bond to create a double bond.
Change the orientation of the double bond:
1. Point to the center of the double bond.
2. Click the bond twice to move the second line to the outside.
The bond moves to the inside on the first click and to the outside on the second click
NOTE: You can move a double bond by clicking it when a bond tool is selected. The cursor corresponding to the bond tool that is selected appears.
Add an atom label:
1. Point to the atom to label shown below.
2. Double-click the atom to open a text box.
3. Type O and then type "-".
Label an atom with "OH":
1. Point to the atom shown below.
2. Double-click the atom to open a text box.
3. Type OH.

Next you will add an arrow that is not included in the arrow palette to indicate electron flow.

To create a customized arrow using the Pen tool.
1. Click the Pen tool .
2. From the Curves menu, choose Arrow at End.
3. Point near the double bond where you want to indicate the start of electron flow.
4. Drag downward and to the left. Release the mouse button.
The hand with a "+" cursor indicates that you are in the editing mode of the Pen tool.
5. Position the cursor where you want the arrowhead to appear.
6. Drag upward to create a curve segment.
Refine the shape of the arrow:
1. Point to the handle pointing away from and to the right of the curve. This is a tangent handle that controls the tangent of the curve that it touches.
2. Drag the handle upward to the right to make the arrowhead point more inward.
3. Press Esc when you are finished.
4. Create additional arrows as described above to complete the intermediate as shown below.
NOTE: If you want to magnify the entire document so you can see arrows or other objects that are in small places, choose Magnify from the View menu.
Save and close the document:
1. From the File menu, choose Save.
2. From the File menu, choose Close.

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