
Tutorial 3: Using Rings

In this tutorial you will draw more complex structures by using rings.

Open a new ChemDraw document:
1. From the File menu, choose New Document.
2. From the File menu, choose Save As.
3. Type tut3.cdx in the appropriate text box.
4. Select a folder in which to save the file.
5. Click Save.
Create a ring:
1. Click the Cyclohexane Ring tool .
2. Point in an empty area of a document window.
3. Click to add a ring.
Fuse a second ring to the first:
1. Point to the center of lower right bond in the ring.
2. Click to fuse another ring.
Fuse a third ring:
1. Point to the bond shown below.
2. Click to fuse another ring. Your document should contain the structure shown below.
Fuse a fourth ring:
1. Point to the bond shown below.
2. Click to fuse another ring.
Remove atoms and their bonds from the ring using the Eraser tool:
1. Click the Eraser tool .
2. Point to the atom shown below.
A highlight box appears on the atom to be removed.
3. Click to delete the atom and its bonds.
4. Click each of the atoms shown below to delete the bonds.
The resulting structure is shown below.
Add double bonds to the structure:
1. Click the Solid Bond tool .
2. Point to the atom indicated below.
3. Drag upward to draw a double bond.
Add another double bond:
1. Point to the bond shown below.
2. Right-click, point to Double, and then choose Plain.
Realign the double bond so it is centered:
1. Point to the center of the upper double bond.
2. Right-click, point to Bond position, and then choose Centered.
Add a carbon atom label:
1. Point to the atom shown below.
2. Press the c key on your keyboard. "c" is a HotKey assigned to the atom label "C".
The CH atom label appears with the correct number of hydrogen atoms.
Add an oxygen atom label to complete the structure:
1. Point to the atom shown below.
2. Press the o key on your keyboard. "o" is a Hotkey assigned to the atom label "O".
Save and close the document.
1. From the File menu, choose Save.
2. From the File menu, choose Close.

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