
Tutorial 4: Fischer Projections

This tutorial demonstrates creating a Fischer projection of glucose (shown below) by drawing a linear series of bonds. You can also create the same drawing using a template.

Create a document from a template by opening the appropriate document template:

1. From File menu, point to Open Special, and then choose ACS Document 1996.
The new document created is based on a Stationery Pad.
NOTE: These special documents allow you to have pre-configured settings for different tasks. In this example, the ACS template provides the required settings for structures to be published in all ACS journals:
² One-column layout (Page Setting)
² Bonds with a Fixed length of 0.2 inches
   (Drawing Setting)
² Atom Labels in 10 point Helvetica font (Text Setting)
2. From the File menu, choose Save As.
3. Type tut4.cdx in the appropriate text box.
4. Select a folder in which to save the file.
5. Click Save.
Draw the first bond:
1. Click the Solid Bond tool .
2. Point in the document window. Drag downward vertically to draw the first bond.
Add a second bond:
1. Point to the lower atom.
2. Drag downward to draw the second bond.
3. Repeat step 1and step 2 three times to draw a total of five bonds.
NOTE: When you drag the pointer along the length of the bonds, the pointer alternates between an arrow and a cross. The arrow indicates you are pointing over the center of a bond, and the cross indicates you are pointing to an atom.
Add horizontal bonds to the second atom in the string of bonds you created:

Add a horizontal bond in the opposite direction:

Add bonds to the next three carbon atoms:
1. Point to C3 and click the atom to add a perpendicular bond.
2. Continue pointing to C3 and click the atom to add a perpendicular bond in the opposite direction.
3. Repeat step 1 and step 2 for the fourth (C4) and fifth (C5) atoms.
Add labels to C1 and C6:
1. Point to C1.
2. Double-click C1 to create a text box, then type CHO.
3. Point to C6.
4. Double-click C6 to create a text box, then type CH2OH.
5. Type Esc to deselect the label.
6. Add the H and OH labels:
1. Point to the atom shown below.
2. Type h to label the atom using the HotKey label for hydrogen.
3. Repeat step 2 for the remaining hydrogen atoms shown below.
4. Label the remaining atoms by typing o to label them with OH. The result should appear as shown below.
View the basic properties of the structure you drew and paste the information into your document:
1. Click a selection tool to automatically select the last structure drawn. If the structure is not selected, double-click the structure.
2. From the View menu, choose Analysis Window.
The Analysis window appears. You can drag the window to any position.
3. Click Paste to paste the information as a caption below the structure.
Save and close the document:
1. From the File menu, choose Save.
2. From the File menu, choose Close.

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