Bantjes, Rod, “Mooney_Andrew.html,” in Eigg Mountain Settlement History, last modified, 14 August 2015 (


Mooney, Andrew Jr. (Eigg Mountain Settlement History)  (Map Location)


Andrew Mooney is the original grantee of the land that this site is located on.  He passed his farm on to his son Thomas.  Charlie and Kenton remember that the site to the north, labelled “A. Fraser” on the Church map of 1879, was a Mooney property (could there have been two?)  Either Andrew’s sister or his daughter (Thomas’s sister) married John Smith.


The directions to this site from the upper one are to follow the road (such as it is) down and almost due south towards a grove of tall spruce.  Around this grove (beyond? through?) there is a trail that turns west (left) and up no more than 30-40 ft. to the basement.