William Sweet

Dr William Sweet is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Philosophy, Theology and Cultural Traditions at St Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, Canada.  He also supervises theses in the graduate programmes at Saint Paul University, the Dominican University College (Ottawa), and the University of New Brunswick.
     He currently serves as President of the World Union of Catholic Philosophical Societies
and Vice President of the Council for Research and Values in Philosophy
     He is a Past President of the Canadian Philosophical Association,
the Canadian Theological Society, the Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, and the Istituto Internazionale Jacques Maritain (Rome), and served as a member of the Steering Committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie from 2003 to 2018.
     He is an elected Fellow of the
Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Asiatic Society, and the Royal Historical Society. He is also a Permanent Member of the Institut international de philosophie.

He may be contacted at
Department of Philosophy,
St Francis Xavier University
Box 5000
Antigonish, NS  B2G 2W5

e-mail: wsweet (at) stfx.ca

Principal areas of research and teaching interest

  • Phil 451 - Seminar in Ethics and Philosophy of Law: Intercultural Philosophy and Ethics
  • Phil 372 - Philosophy of Law
  • Phil 335 - Ethics in Health and Medicine


  • late 19th and early 20th century Anglo-American Philosophy (particularly, the origins of analytic philosophy and British Idealism);
  • political philosophy and philosophy of law (particularly on issues of human rights);
  • applied ethics (especially, biomedical ethics and the ethics of governance);



Doctoral studies in political science at the Sorbonne at the Université de Paris (D.E.A.), in theology at the University of South Africa (D.Th.), and in philosophy at the University of Ottawa (Ph.D) and at the Université Saint-Paul (D.Phil.).
     Additional studies at Carleton University (B.A. Hons., M.A.), the University of Ottawa (B.A. Hons., B.Th.), Saint Paul University (B.Ph., S.T.B., L.Ph.), and the University of Manitoba (M.A.), and at: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Universität Wien (Austria), Centre Sèvres, (Faculté de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus, Paris), Collège International de Philosophie (Paris), Collège de France, Collège dominicain de philosophie et de theologie (Ottawa), Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the Goethe Institut.



Travel and Itineraries

        Travel photos



Personal details

A research profile from about 15 years ago.

Some interviews on religion and on the concept of loyalty.

A brief biography

Varia and some fun stuff


Where on earth is Antigonish?    Local weather.

Updated 2019/11/05.

