Topic 9 - Sensor Models

We have covered a lot of things until now, but we are missing one thing.

We need to cover the sensors, because we assumed that we received measurements without defining how it is done.


The objective is to determine \(p(z|x)\).

The probability to receive a specific measurement in a state \(x\).

Robots can have lots of different sensors:

  • Contact sensors: Bumpers

  • Internal sensors:

    • Accelerometers

    • Gyroscopes

    • Compasses

  • Proximity sensors:

    • Sonar

    • Radar

    • Laser

    • Infrared

  • Visual sensors: Cameras

  • Satellite-based sensors: GPS

A very common type of sensor for indoor robots is proximity sensors.

Most of them are called beam-based sensors (sonar, laser, etc.).

Beam-Based Sensor Model

  • A sensor does not perceive only one measurement.

  • Like a camera does not receive only one measurement (brightness, saturation, color).

Consider a measurement \(z_t\) at time \(t\).

It can take \(K\) different values:

\[z_t = \{z^1_t, \dots, z^K_t \}\]

where \(z^k_t\) is an individual measurement.

We will consider that individual measurement are independent.

\[p(z_t|x_t,m) = \prod_{k=1}^K p(z_t^k|x_t,m)\]

where \(m\) represents the map.


It is an ideal case, individual measurements are not always independent.

Beam-Based model incorporates four types of measurement errors:

  • small measurement noise

  • unexpected objects

  • failures to detect objects

  • unexplained random noise

Correct range

Let us define \(z^{k*}_t\) the true range of the object measured by \(z^k_t\).

However, the value returned by the sensors is subject to error.

The measurement noise is modelled by a Gaussian \(\mathcal{N}(z_t^{k*}, \sigma^2_{\text{hit}})\).

The following figure illustrates the Gaussian:


So, to calculate the probability \(p_{\text{hit}}(z_t^k|x_t, m)\) we use the univariate normal distribution formula:

\[p_{\text{hit}}(z_t^k|x_t, m) = \eta \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2_{\text{hit}}}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\frac{(z_t^k-z_t^{k*})^2}{\sigma^2_{\text{hit}}}}\]

where \(\eta\) is a normalizer:

\[\eta = \left( \int^{z_{\text{max}}}_{0} \mathcal{N}(z_t^{k*}, \sigma^2_{\text{hit}})dz_t^k \right)^{-1}\]

Unexpected Object

In robotics the environment is rarely static, so objects not contained in the map can be appearing.

  • Pedestriant on a road.

  • Birds with UAVs

  • etc.

The range \(z_t^k\) can be shorter than \(z_t^{k*}\).

If you think about it an unexpected obstacle is more likely to be closer than further away.

Mathematically, the probability is described as an exponential distribution of parameters \(\lambda_{\text{short}}\).

So we can calculate the probability \(p_{short}(z^k_t| x_t, m)\) as:

\[p_{short}(z^k_t| x_t, m) = \eta\lambda_{\text{short}}e^{-\lambda_{\text{short}}z_t^k}\]

where \(\eta = \frac{1}{1-e^{-\lambda_{\text{short}}z_t^{k*}}}\).

This probability function is illustrated below:



Sometimes obstacles are missed.

It can happen with lasers when sensing black objects, with GPS if you go in a tunnel.

When it happens, usually sensors are sending a max-range measurement.

It’s quite frequent, so we cannot skip it.

We model this case with a point-mass distribution centered at \(z_\text{max}\):

\[\begin{split}p_{max}(z_t^k, x_t, m) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1\quad \text{if } z=z_{max}\\ 0\quad \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]

Even if it’s not really a probability distribution, we draw it like it is:


Random Measurements

These sensors can produce unexplainable measurements.

It’s very hard to explain these readings, so we model them with a uniform distribution:

\[p_{rand}(z_t^k | x_t, m) = \frac{1}{z_{max}}\]

If we plot this distribution, we obtain:


Putting Everything Together

We finally mix the four different distributions by a weighted average defined by the parameters:

  • \(z_{\text{hit}}\)

  • \(z_{\text{short}}\)

  • \(z_{\text{max}}\)

  • \(z_{\text{rand}}\)

These parameters summing to \(1\).

The probability of the measurement becomes:

\[\begin{split}p(z_t^k| x_t, m) = \begin{bmatrix}z_{\text{hit}}\\ z_{\text{short}}\\ z_{\text{max}}\\ z_{\text{rand}} \end{bmatrix}^T \cdot \begin{bmatrix} p_{\text{hit}}(z_t^k|x_t, m)\\ p_{short}(z^k_t| x_t, m)\\ p_{max}(z_t^k| x_t, m)\\ p_{rand}(z_t^k | x_t, m) \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

It will create a new density function:



  • Implement the following function that calculates the individual probabilities:

def p_hit(z_meas, z_true, sigma, z_max):

def p_short(z_meas, z_true, l_short):

def p_max(z_meas, z_max):
  • Use the previous functions to implement the last function that put everything together:

#  z_weight is a vector containing the weights for each probability
def prob(z_meas, z_true, z_max, z_weight, sigma, l_short):


  • We can test the previous functions.

  • The robot is not moving and has one beam sensor.

  • Consider the following properties for the beam sensor:

    • A distance maximal \(z_{\text{max}}\) of 13 meters.

    • A parameter \(\lambda_{\text{short}}\) of \(0.2\).

  • Consider the vector of weights \(\left[0.8, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05 \right]\).

  • Finally, the true measurement \(z^{k^*}\) is 10 meters.

  • We can implement it in python:

z_meas = np.linspace(0, 13, 1000)
z_true = 10
z_max = 13
sigma = 0.5
l_short = 0.2

z_weights = [0.8, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05]

probs = []
for z in z_meas:
probs.append(prob(z, z_true, z_max, z_weights, sigma, l_short))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(z_meas, probs,'b-')

cdf = np.cumsum(probs)*(z_meas[1]-z_meas[0])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(z_meas, cdf,'b-')

It plots the probability distribution;


It also plot the CDF to be sure that it sums to 1:


Using every sensors

Now that we are able to calculate the probability for one sensor, we can calculate the total probability \(p(z_t|x_t, m)\).

The function is quite simple:

  • Initialize the probability \(p\) to 1.

  • For each sensor:

    • Compute the probability \(q\)

    • Multiply \(q\) with \(p\).

  • Return \(p\)

Adjusting the Intrinsic Model Parameters

All the parameters we talked about, need to be calculated.

There are two ways to do it:

  • You adjust the parameters manually to match the measurement of the sensor.

  • You learn them with an algorithm.

These methods are outside the scope of the course.


The Beam-based model is:

  • not smooth for small obstacles and at edges.

  • not very efficient.